

"Heimat" and Place

Remarks concerning Transcendence and common Sense

Public Lecture and Workshop



Reflections on Borderlines and Separation Walls with a consideration of the Dimensions of common Sense and Transcendence

In the public lecture, Edward S. Casey will address the

question of the effective reality of international borders

with particular reference to the U.S.-Mexico border, often

referred to as “La Frontera.” Special attention will be paid

to the specificities of the massive wall that has been built

to demarcate and to protect this border. To analyze the

circumstance more adequately, Professor Casey will make

use of a basic distinction between “border” and “boundary,”

which enables us to gain a fresh understanding of the

dynamics now occurring at La Frontera. The paradoxes of

being an invisible but fateful borderline will be investigated.

The entire situation will also be discussed from the standpoint

of transcendence and common sense – terms that

have an unusual ability to illuminate this complex situation

more adequately. Audience discussion and participation will

be encouraged.

On the following day we will discuss at length Casey´s

book “The Fate of Place - A Philosophical History.” In this

book he shows that place, which is a basic concept of

“Heimat,” long reigned as the supreme term in Western

thought. In the modern age the natural scientific method

relegates places to mere positions in space. However, the

starting point of interpreting the world is not abstract

space but “our own lived body.” In structure and function,

our body is oriented, and so are all perception and consciousness.

“We are never anywhere, anywhen, but in

place.” One might say that the meeting point of the anthropological

relations of place, time, and community

(Gemeinschaft) could be called “Heimat.” Heimat always

has boundaries which one has to transcend but no borders.

While boundaries invite being transcended, and in

this way open Heimat, the closure by borders would

destroy it.


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TU Dresden, Von-Gerber-Bau, Room 052, Bergstraße 53, 01062 Dresden


  • Edward S. Casey
    • Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at SUNY
      • Stony Brook.

        Dr. Joachim Klose

        Dr. Joachim Klose

        Landesbeauftragter für die Bundeshauptstadt Berlin, Leiter des Politischen Bildungsforums Berlin und Leiter Grundlagenforum 030/26996-3253 030/26996-53253

