

Course building workshop

Foreign Policy Analysis

Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) appears in the curriculum of almost every university which offers undergraduate and/or graduate programs in Internatinal Relations (IR). In Vietnam, IR teaching has begun to follow international standards since late 1990s by introducing core courses such as IR History, IR Theories, Vietnam Foreign Policy, Global Governance… which is, surprisingly, not the case for FPA. To overcome this shortcoming, the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Vietnam co-organize the Course-Building Workshop on Foreign Policy Analysis. This is the phase 2 of a 3-years project supported by KAS Vietnam with the aim of incorporating FPA in the IR curriculum at DAV. The workshop will serve as a forum for exchanging ideas among Vietnamese scholars and researchers, and with their foreign colleagues about the syllabus of the FPA course. The participants are generally professors, scholars and researchers from almost all institutions and universities in Vietnam which have a department and/or teaching portfolio on IR.



The ground of International Relations is state behaviour (or foreign policy), and the ground of foreign policy is decision-maker. But for a long time IR scholars used to “black-boxing” the State to treat it as a rational actor who acts in accordance with law-like generalizations. The State abstraction results from the structure-focused position of IR theories in the perennial philosophical conundrum of social science: the “agent-structure problématique”. This is a severe theoretical handicap, for to lack a robust concept of the agent in IR means to be at a disadvantage when trying to explain or project significant change and noteworthy creativity. It’s therefore understandable that “irregular” cases are as much as “regular” ones from the IR theories point of view.

Developed into the field of IR since late 1950s, Foreign Policy Analysis seeks to cover this lacunae by “open the State black-box” and look into the process of decision-making in foreign policy. In doing this, FPA has made several important contributions to IR. Firstly, it addes many (good) theories at different levels of analysis to IR studies. Secondly, it presents a more robust concept of agency to IR theories. Thirdly, it advocates for a move beyond description or postulation of law-like generalization to a more complete explanation of State behavior that takes in account the contribution of human decision.



Day 1, 25th November 2022

14.00 – 14.15 Opening Remarks

Dr. Vu Le Thai Hoang

Acting Director General

Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam


Mrs. Vu Thi Thu Phuong

Program Manager

Konrad Adenauer Foundation Vietnam Office

14.15 – 17.30 Session 1: Foreign Policy Analysis – State of the Art


Dr. Vu Le Thai Hoang

Acting Director General

Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam


Foreign Policy Analysis: Past, Present and Future

Prof. Philippe Le Prestre,

Laval University, Canada


Dr. Le Cong Phat

Dean, Faculty of International Studies

Military Science Academy

Dr. Dao Minh Hong

Vice-Dean, Faculty of International Relations  

University of Economics and Finance, Ho Chi Minh City

Dr. Luu Thuy Hong

Vice-Dean, Faculty of International Relations  

Academy of Journalism

Dr. Bui Hai Thiem

Lecturer, Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

Day 2: 26th November 2022

08.30 – 12.00 Session 2: Foreign Policy Analysis – Multilevel Analysis


Prof. Le Dinh Tinh

Director General

Department for Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dr. Vo Xuan Vinh

Deputy Director-General, Institute for Southeast Asia Studies, Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences


Level of analysis and influencing actors in foreign policy analysis

Dr. Nguyen Hoang Nhu Thanh

Lecturer, Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam


Forecasting framework in foreign policy

Dr. Tran Chi Trung

Deputy Director General, Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam



Dr. Ton Sinh Thanh

Former Vietnam Ambassador to India

Dr. Ngo Tuan Thang

Vice-Dean, Faculty of International Studies, USSH Hanoi

Prof. Tran Xuan Hiep

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,

Duy Tân University, Da Nang

Dr. Tran Thanh Huyen

Dean, Faculty of International Relations

Ho Chi Minh University of Economic and Finance

Dr. Le Thi Ngoc Han

Vice-Dean, Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

13.30 – 17.00 Session 3: Foreign Policy Analysis – Case Studies and Comparison


Dr. Nguyen Thanh Trung

Fulbright University of Vietnam

Dr. Nguyen Thi Hanh

Vice Dean, Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam


Session 3: Foreign Policy Analysis – Case Studies and Comparison  




Dr. Nguyen Thanh Trung

Fulbright University of Vietnam


Dr. Nguyen Thi Hanh

Vice Dean, Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam


Middle–powership and niche diplomacy

Dr. Vu Le Thai Hoang

Acting Director General, Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

India Foreign Policy Adjustment

Dr. Ton Sinh Thanh

Former Vietnam Ambassador to India


Dr. Vo Xuan Vinh

Deputy Director-General, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. Quach Quanh Hong

Lecturer, Faculty of International Politics and Diplomacy

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

Dr. Le Trung Kien

Assitant to Director-General, Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh

Ho Chi Minh University of Social Sciences and Humanities

17.00 – 17.15 Closing Remarks

Mr. Florian Feyerabend

Resident Representative

Konrad Adenauer Foundation Vietnam Office


Dr. Vu Le Thai Hoang

Acting Director General, Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam


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Vu Thi Thu Phuong


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