




Neighborhood Planning and Design Towards Healthy Cities

Toolkit Launching event

The first collaborative project between KAS Vietnam and Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, titled “Health-oriented policies and sustainable building practices to promote well-being and green urban governance in Vietnam (HOPE),” is nearing completion. Initiated in 2022, the project has progressed through three phases, developing comprehensive and cross-cutting knowledge in health-oriented policies and sustainable building practices/green housing in Vietnamese cities. Additionally, both international and Vietnamese trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge have been shared and exchanged. On Thursday, September 19th, final product of this project: The Toolkit for Neighborhood Planning and Design Towards Healthy Cities will be officially presented to relevant audiences.


Workshop on International experiences on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing

Co-organized by KAS Vietnam and Department of Criminal and Administrative Legislation, Ministry of Justice

The workshop will explore international experiences in developing and enforcing legal regulations to prevent and combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism. It will focus on enhancing the effectiveness of Vietnam’s Effectiveness Assessment Report and Technical Compliance Report. Specifically, the workshop will address areas where Vietnam currently falls short of Financial Action Task Force standards, particularly those related to the Ministry of Justice’s responsibilities. This includes regulations on money laundering (Recommendation No. 3), criminal penalties for acts related to the financing of terrorism (Recommendation No. 5), criminalization and financial penalties for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (Recommendation No. 7), and issues concerning the criminal liability of legal entities for money laundering and terrorist financing.



Hội Nghị Tổng Kết Dự Án LOGOVIC

Dự án "Tăng cường Quản trị Địa phương để Phát triển Kinh tế tại các Đô thị Việt Nam" (LOGOVIC)do EU và KAS đồng tài trợ sắp kết thúc. Hội nghị tổng kết dự án và công bố kết quả cuộc thi Đô Thị PT Kinh Tế Tốt, Sống Tốt sẽ diễn ra ngày 26/6 tại Huế.


Berufsethik und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung des Journalismus im digitalen Zeitalter

Der digitale Wandel bringt viele Vorteile mit sich, birgt aber auch Fragen ethischer Natur. Dieses Seminar beschäftigt sich damit, wo vietnamesische Journalisten diese Probleme wahrnehmen und wie sie mit diesen umgehen.


Social Responsibility and Journalism Ethics in Digital Age

Apart from advantages, digital era has poses various questions on career ethics and social responsibilities for journalists. This seminar will find out how Vietnamese journalists realize the challenges and how they cope with it.


Trách nhiệm Xã hội và Đạo đức Báo chí trong kỷ nguyên Công nghệ số

Kỷ nguyên số đã và đang tạo nhiều thuận lợi cho người làm báo. Tuy nhiên, nó cũng đặt ra cho người viết nhiều câu hỏi về đạo đức nghề nghiệp và trách nhiệm xã hội của họ. Hội thảo ngày 10/6 sẽ thảo luận sâu về các thách thức mới này của nghề báo.


Khóa Bồi Dưỡng Nghiệp Vụ Báo Chí Về Tài Nguyên, Môi Trường

Làm thế nào để phản ánh các vấn đề về môi trường một cách chính xác và hiệu quả là chủ đề chính của Khóa Bồi Dưỡng Nghiệp Vụ Báo Chí về Tài Nguyên và Môi Trường do Hội Nhà Báo phối hợp với Viện KAS tổ chức.


Training: Natural Resources and Environmental Reporting

How to report effectively environmental problems is the main topic of a two-day training workshop organized by the Vietnam Journalists' Association. The workshop also provide participants with updated policies on natural resource use of the country.


ASEAN Communities: The key for national and regional integration of Southeast Asia

ASEAN is to accomplish three communities (of security, economic and socio-cultural) by the end of 2015. This conference will identify challenges and chances that the ASEAN Communities might bring about for member countries, especially Vietnam.


ASEAN Gemeinschaften –Schlüssel zur regionalen Integration Südostasiens

Bis Ende 2015 sollen innerhalb der ASEAN eine Wirtschafts-, Sicherheits- und Soziokulturelle Gemeinschaft verwirklicht werden. Diese Konferenz wird Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Mitgliedsstaaten und insbesondere Vietnam aufzeigen.


Cộng đồng ASEAN: Chìa khoá cho hội nhập quốc gia và khu vực ở Đông Nam Á

Cuối năm 2015, ASEAN sẽ có ba cộng đồng trụ cột là Cộng đồng An Ninh, Kinh tế và Văn hóa- Xã hội. Hội thảo này sẽ bàn về những cơ hội và thách thức mà các Cộng đồng trong ASEAN có thể mang lại cho các nước thành viên, đặc biệt là Việt Nam.


Interaction between Journalism and Social Networks

Over the past few years, social networks have developed incredibly rapidly in the world as well as in Vietnam. These networks have been informal sources journalists to grasp breaking news but at the same time pose challenges to the traditional media.


The third Bavi dialogue - Armed Conflicts in the Era of Renewed Great Power Competition

On August 23rd, the 3rd Bavi Dialogue, co-organized by KAS Vietnam and the Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies (Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam), convened leading security experts, scholars, and practitioners to discuss critical security issues related to armed conflicts in the era of renewed great power competition. We were honored to have the participation of renowned German security policy scholars, Prof. Carlo Masala from the Center for Intelligence and Security (Bundeswehr University Munich) and Dr. Felix Heiduk from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs SWP.

Training course on Preventing and Resolving International Investment Disputes

On August 9, 2024, in Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province, a training conference “Preventing and resolving international investment disputes according to laws, international commitments of Vietnam and international experiences” was co-organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and the International Law Department of the Ministry of Justice within the framework of the Rule-of-Law Dialogue between Germany and Vietnam.

Vietnam and Germany – Partners for a Rules-Based Maritime Order and Maritime Challenges

Dialogue Program in Germany

Between June 23rd and 29th, a Vietnamese delegation consisting of six representatives from legal, diplomatic, and defense sectors participated in a productive and extensive dialogue program across Hamburg, Kiel, and Berlin in Germany. The program, titled “Vietnam and Germany: Partners for a Rules-Based Maritime Order and Maritime Challenges” was organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The purpose of this dialogue program is twofold: first, to acquaint participants with the operations and procedures of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) in Hamburg; and second, to engage in legal and security policy discussions. These discussions focused on topics related to the advancement of international maritime law and Germany’s commitment to a rules-based maritime order in the Indo-Pacific. On this occasion, Mr Florian Feyerabend, the Resident Representative of KAS Vietnam accompanied the delegates throughout the program.

Folgenabschätzung von Maßnahmen bei der Entwicklung von normativen Rechtsdokumenten 2024

Am 14. Juni 2024 versammelten sich in Hanoi 150 Vertreter von Ministerien, Behörden und Gemeinden aus dem Norden des Landes zu einer Konferenz mit dem Titel "Impact Assessment of Policies in the Development of Legal Normative Documents in 2024". Die Konferenz wurde gemeinsam von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam und dem Justizministerium/Abteilung für allgemeine Angelegenheiten der Rechtsentwicklung organisiert und ist Teil des bilateralen Rechtsstaatsdialogs zwischen Deutschland und Vietnam. Die Konferenz befasste sich mit der Folgenabschätzung von Maßnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung normativer Rechtsdokumente und betonte die Bedeutung der Evaluierung der Umsetzung von Gesetzen für ein gut funktionierendes Rechtssystem.

Innovation & Verbesserung der Effizienz der Organisation der Rechtsdurchsetzung zwischen 2025-2030

Von der KAS Vietnam und dem Justizministerium gemeinsam organisierter Workshop

In den letzten Jahren hat Vietnam erhebliche Fortschritte bei der Perfektionierung seines Rechtssystems zur Regulierung wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Aspekte gemacht. Während der Gesetzgebungsprozess jedoch bemerkenswerte Fortschritte gemacht hat, haben die Organisation und die Durchsetzung der Gesetze nicht mit den Anforderungen der Entwicklung Schritt gehalten, was gewisse Mängel und Einschränkungen mit sich bringt. Einer der Hauptgründe für diese Situation ist das Fehlen einer vollständigen Institutionalisierung der Organisation der Strafverfolgung. Im Jahr 2023 erließ die vietnamesische Regierung die Resolution Nr. 77/NQ-CP, die ein Aktionsprogramm zur Umsetzung der Resolution Nr. 27-NQ/TW des 13. Zentralkomitees der Partei aus dem Jahr 2022 enthält. Parteizentralkomitee im Jahr 2022. Die Resolution Nr. 27-NQ/TW legt den Schwerpunkt auf Innovationen im Strafverfolgungsmechanismus und die enge Verknüpfung von Gesetzesentwicklung und -umsetzung, um eine effektive und effiziente Durchsetzung zu gewährleisten.

Konferenz: "Vietnam 2045 Report: Global Economic Trends and Policy Implications for Vietnam"

Am 21. Mai fand in Hanoi eine Konferenz mit dem Titel „Vietnam 2045 Report: Global Economic Trends and Policy Implications for Vietnam“ (Globale Wirtschaftstrends und politische Auswirkungen auf Vietnam) ein Dialog zwischen politischen Entscheidungsträgern, hochrangigen nationalen Forschern und internationalen Experten. Ihre Diskussionen lieferten wertvolle Beiträge für den „Vietnam 2045 Report“, der den Weg Vietnams zur Erreichung seiner sozioökonomischen Entwicklungsziele aufzeigen wird, darunter die Entwicklung zu einem Land mit hohem Einkommen bis 2045 und der Übergang zu einer CO2-neutralen Wirtschaft bis 2050.

China Talk 23

Die Zukunft der Weltordnung: Ein Blick aus China

Die Zukunft der Weltordnung: ein Blick aus China ist das Thema der jüngsten 23. Ausgabe der China-Talk-Reihe, die seit langem zu den charakteristischen gemeinsamen Veranstaltungen der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam und der Diplomatischen Akademie Vietnams gehört.

Leitlinien zur Beschleunigung der jährlichen Haushaltsaufstellung

Mit Unterstützung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam organisierte der Finanz- und Haushaltsausschuss der Nationalversammlung (NA) einen Workshop zur Beschleunigung von Haushaltsgenehmigungsverfahren.

Überarbeitung des Staatsbeteiligungsgesetzes

Die KAS Vietnam hat den Finanz- und Haushaltsausschuss der Nationalversammlung bei der Organisation eines Workshops zur Reform des Staatsbeteiligungsgesetzes (Gesetz Nr. 69, 2015) unterstützt.


Enduring Maritime Connectivity in a Fragmenting World

How to ensure maritime connectivity in a fragmenting world? How to ensure that it will endure? The 12th Ocean Dialogue co-organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam on 15 March tried to provide answers in a multidisciplinary approach at the nexus of foreign policy, international law, maritime science and technology.