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2. Australia-Germany 1.5 Track Cybersecurity Dialogue, Berlin and Brussels

Cybersecurity has become a priority for political leaders and discussion around these issues is important amongst value-partners and allies to ensure economic and national security for their populations. After the success of our inaugural Cybersecurity Dialogue 2018 in Canberra, this year we are bringing a delegation of Australian cybersecurity experts to Berlin and Brussels.

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In an increasingy connected and digitalized world, states, economies and infrastructures are vulnerable to threats from state- led cyber espionage, state - sponsored disinformation campaigns or information leaks as well as cyber crime. Cyber criminals can take advantage of legal loopholes and save havens afforded by adverse state actors, and the current/emerging geostrategic landscape is characterized by growing rivalry and actors seeking to bend the global rules-based order according to their interests.

At the same time, digitalization also offers opportunities for governments and the private sector, but this is premised on resilient cybersecurity to avoid manipulation and disruption. Cybersecurity has therefore become a priority for political leaders and discussion around these issues is important amongst value-partners and allies to ensure economic and national security for their populations.

The overall aim of a 1.5 track dialogue is to develop ideas among experts and policy makers that can be drawn on in the policy-making process. Such frank and confidential exchanges are meant to lay the foundation for shared understandings and enhanced cooperation. After the success of our inaugural Cybersecurity Dialogue in Canberra in June 2018, this year we are bringing a delegation of Australian cybersecurity experts to Berlin and Brussels.

This year’s participants include

Dr Leslie Seebeck - Chief Executive of the Australian National University’s (ANU) new Cyber Institute; Fergus Hanson - Director of the Austyralian Strategic Policy Institute’s (ASPI) International Cyber Policy Centre; Rachael Falk - Chief Executive of the Australian Cyber Research Council; & Prof Lyria Bennett Moses - Director of the Allen's Hub for Technology, Law & Innovation at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).

The delegation will engage in theme-focused roundtables and bilateral meetings at relevant ministries and institutions in Berlin and Brussels to examine current challenges and how to best manage them based on multifaceted approaches and bi-lateral/multi-lateral cooperation.

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Berlin und Brüssel

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