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3rd Europe-Australia 1.5 track Cybersecurity Dialogue - Session 2

Cybersecurity in Crisis Times - A Way Forward for Europe and Australia

A Virtual Discussion Series in Three Parts The annual KAS Australia-Europe 1.5 track Cybersecurity Dialogue, this year already in its third iteration, aims to bring together senior government representatives, policy makers, academic experts, practitioners and members of the diplomatic corps to share their views, develop better understandings and explore how cooperation could be strengthened. Usually, this is achieved through a combination of roundtables, an in-depth seminar and meetings at various relevant institutions and ministries, as well as the respective federal, state and EU Parliaments – alternating between Canberra/Sydney and Berlin/Brussels as locations.

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This year’s dialogue will take place in a slightly altered, virtual format – the overarching theme of ‘Cybersecurity in Crisis Times- A Way Forward for Europe and Australia’ will be addressed through three separate interactive discussion sessions with speakers from Europe and Australia.


The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted not only the interconnectedness of the world but also the associated vulnerabilities. This requires us to look at how we manage global interdependence, particularly in the area of cyberspace, as a politically contested space shaped by hyper-connectivity and lack of overarching global governance. The topic for the entire dialogue/discussion series hence centres around multilateral and multi-stakeholder engagement and the potential for increasing cooperation as the COVID-19 pandemic has widened the attack surface for cyber operations. While this first discussion in the series will focus on global cyber norms, subsequent sessions (one later in August and one in September) will respectively be dedicated to joint responses to large-scale cyber incidents and the EU approach as well as AI governance.

We are supported in the organization by three experts from the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung – a Berlin think tank at the intersection of technology and society – who will chair these sessions.


This event will be held under Chatham House Rule (not open to the public). Experts are invited to these discussions as part of a selected group to allow for the opportunity to actively engage and share insights.


Session Two


Following a very successful first session on ‘Covid-19 and the road to global cyber norms: The case of banning cyber operations against public health infrastructures’, the second session will focus on the  'Dialogue on Joint Responses to Large Scale Cyber Incidents'


Input and remarks from the European and Australian side are by:

Manon Le Blanc, Senior Policy Officer at European External Action Service

Rachael Falk, CEO Australian Cybersecurity  Cooperative Research Center

Dr André Barrinha, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies, University of Bath


The session will be chaired by Julia Schuetze from the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung (SNV)


Thematic Overview:

With the EU Cyber Diplomacy toolbox and the blueprint for EU-coordinated responses in case of large scale incidents, the EU has established a set of internal tools to enable a wider EU-level response. In the past, EU member states have joint ‘Coalitions of the Willing and Capable’, some of which were led by Australia, e.g. the NotPetya coordinated attribution effort. This was then followed up by an EU statement. As the EU is internally practicing their responses, aiming to go as far as sanctions, this development impacts the relationship with third countries. How do EU level responses impact coordination and cooperation with third countries like Australia? Input speakers and participants will talk through different scenarios and discuss coordination and cooperation options and their challenges. This will shed some light on the current views on the European and Australian relationship and creates the opportunity to gather some perspectives from EU diplomats, some key member states and Australia, as well as academic insights on the topic. 

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Katja Theodorakis