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Brasil e Venezuela - II

Brasil e seus vizinhos

As relações entre Brasil e Venezuela: do vizinho ausente à parceria estratégica

Demokratieindex Lateinamerika

IDD-LAT 2015

Die Demokratie in Lateinamerika erholt sich leicht. Doch beeinträchtigen Armut, Unsicherheit und Infrastrukturdefizite weiterhin das Entwicklungspotenzial der Region.

Brasil e Venezuela

Brasil e seus Vizinhos

Evolução e perspectivas da relação Venezuelana-Brasileira

International Security: World Politics of Security

Disponível somente em inglês

Está disponível para download a publicação International Security – World Polítics of Security.

Celebração das Bodas de Prata Episcopais e 55 anos de sacerdócio de Dom Heriberto Hermes

No dia 24 de outubro de 2015 a Prelazia de Cristalândia (Tocantins)realizou a celebração eucarística das Bodas de Prata Episcopais e 55 anos de sacerdócio de Dom Heriberto Hermes, OSB, bispo emérito da Prelazia de Cristalândia.

Flucht und Migration

Weltweite Reaktionen

Die Themen Flucht und Migration stehen bereits seit längerem im Mittelpunkt der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung Deutschlands und Europas und haben mit der jüngsten Zuspitzung der Flüchtlingsproblematik eine rasante Dynamik entwickelt. Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hat zusammengetragen, wie das Thema in anderen Regionen der Welt wahrgenommen wird und welche eigenen Erfahrungen es dort gibt. Darüber hinaus haben unsere Auslandsmitarbeiter und -mitarbeiterinnen die aktuelle Stimmung und den Tenor politischer Diskussionen in den Mitgliedsstaaten der EU und ihren Anrainer-Staaten eingefangen.

Brasil e Uruguai


No início do século XIX, a intermediação da Grã-Bretanha, personificada no Visconde John Ponsonby, possibilitou o acordo entre o Império do Brasil e as Províncias Unidas do Rio da Prata com a assinatura da Convenção Preliminar de Paz de 1828, a qual deu origem a um novo Estado sul-americano.

Brasil e Argentina

Brasil e seus vizinhos

As relações entre Brasil e Argentina: futebol, preconceito e parceria estratégica

Rio Review

Newsletter der KAS Brasilien

Rio Review ist der Newsletter des Auslandsbüros der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Brasilien, der zweimonatig in deutscher Sprache erscheint und über die wichtigsten Entwicklungen aus Brasilien sowie die Aktivitäten des Auslandsbüros mit seinen Schwerpunkten der Parteienzusammenarbeit, der Klima-und Energiepolitik sowie der Internationalen Sicherheitspolitik berichtet.

Brasil e Paraguai

Síntese histórica

O Paraguai é um país estratégico para a política externa do Brasil. Sua importância remonta ao período colonial, quando os portugueses encontraram obstáculo para seu expansionismo, na região centro-oeste, nos fortes da Província do Paraguai.

Asset Publisher

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

Cadernos Adenauer

Journal about politics, economy and society

The Cadernos Adenauer Series (ISSN 1519-0951) focuses on issues related to the development of a democratic society. Articles are published on a variety of subjects in the fields of politics, the social situation, economics, international relations and law. Cadernos Adenauer aims to contribute to the dissemination of information and the broadening of public debate on issues of national and international importance.

To get to the complete overview, please switch to Portuguese.

Brazil in Focus

Newsletter on current issues of Brazilian politics

Brazil in Focus is a periodic publication that seeks to analyze in a more succinct way the central themes of Brazilian politics. Since 2020,  the bulletins have been shorter and published monthly, maintaining the political scientist, professor Humberto Dantas, as its principal author and organizer.

Brazil-Europe series

Yearbook on European-Brazilian Relations

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brazil publishes an annual anthology on European-Brazilian relations. It contains analyses and recommendations for action on relevant topics in the context of dialogue between Europeans and Brazilians. The publication series is addressed to politicians, academics and the interested public.

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