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Brazil: Economically overestimated and politically underestimated?

Since Brazil became one of the largest economies in the world, with an internal market of about 200,000,000 consumers, the country has gained great significance on the global level.

But despite the well-publicized growth of the past few years, the Brazilian economy is faced with serious challenges which are often overlooked. Simultaneously, Brazil’s role as political ally in bi- and multilateral international relations is frequently underestimated. However, the country plays an integral part within international negotiations, being a vocal member of the BRICS, the UNASUR, the G20 and the G77.

Web 2.0 - An Overview of the Web-Based Communication Among Latin American Political Parties

Communicating via web is not an unknown endeavor which parties used to frown upon anymore, it has progressively turned into an activity energetically sought by parties and the web has been claiming a bigger share of the political discussion. It is undeniable that any modern political party serious enough as for being considered a viable governmental alternative has some sort of web-based presence. The difference now resides, not in differentiating parties whether they have web presence or not, but rather in the way they use the web and the outcomes it produces.

A relevância da visita do Presidente da Alemanha ao Brasil

No dia 13 de maio, o presidente da Alemanha, Joachim Gauck, encontrou Dilma Rousseff em São Paulo. Sua visita é uma prova das boas relações construídas entre aquele país e o Brasil e serviu para lançar o “Ano Alemanha-Brasil, quando ideias se encontram”.

Cadernos Adenauer 1/2013: Perspectivas para o futuro da União Europeia

O primeiro número de 2013 da série Cadernos Adenauer trata das "Perspectivas para o Futuro da União Europeia". Esta publicação reúne artigos de renomados professores europeus e brasileiros que estiveram presentes na Conferência do Dia da Europa, organizada em parceria com a Fundação Getulio Vargas, em maio de 2012. São abordados alguns dos principais temas que regem os debates sobre a UE, com destaque para a crise financeira, o desafio da imigração, a atuação global da União e as relações com o Brasil.

Brasiliens Mittelklasse wächst - was sind die politischen Folgen?

Über 100 Millionen Brasilianer zählen heute zum Mittelstand des Landes.

Ein Drittel dieser Personen schaffte den Sprung aus der Armut allein in der letzten Dekade. Mit diesem Prozess sozialer Transformation wandeln sich auch die Bedürfnisse, Prioritäten und Zukunftsvision großer Teile der Bevölkerung. Welche Konsequenzen resultieren daraus für die nationale Politik?

Cadernos Adenauer 3/2012: Democracia virtual

A nova edição da série Cadernos Adenauer é dedicada ao tema Democracia virtual, reunindo análises sobre tópicos que convidam a refletir sobre o impacto que a web 2.0 tem exercido, tanto em termos de participação e representação política quanto no que concerne às relações sociais.


Um método para acompanhar mandatos parlamentares

O e-book De Olho no Legislativo é o resultado de longa pesquisa realizada pelo Movimento Voto Consciente, sendo um projeto que conta com quatro etapas. O objetivo desta publicação é acompanhar e classificar a atuação de parlamentares a partir de critérios claros. Para baixar gratuitamente o e-book basta clicar no link logo abaixo.

50 Jahre Deutsch – Französische Freundschaft

Anlässlich des 50. Jahrestages der Unterzeichnung des Élysée-Vertrages trafen sich am 22.01.2013 Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und der französische Präsident François Hollande, sowie die Parlamente beider Länder in Berlin.

Der Mensalão-Prozess und seine Nachwehen


Nach sieben Jahren Ermittlungszeit, 13.000 Seiten Anklageschrift und über 600 Zeugenvernehmungen wurden im größten gerichtlich verhandelten Korruptionsskandal in der Geschichte des Landes nun die Urteile gesprochen. Während dieser Zeit war oft daran gezweifelt worden ob es wirklich zu einer Verurteilung der Angeklagten kommen würde. Viel wahrscheinlicher schien es den meisten Brasilianern, dass sich die Mächtigen, wie bisher viel zu oft geschehen, ungeschoren aus der Affäre ziehen könnten.

Cadernos Adenauer 2/2012: Potências emergentes e desafios globais

A nova edição da série Cadernos Adenauer é dedicada ao tema das potências emergentes. Em oito capítulos os autores analisam alguns dos mais complexos desafios da atualidade no âmbito da governança global, como instabilidade financeira, mudanças climáticas e proliferação nuclear. Como questões de feição fundamentalmente internacional, sua solução extrapola as fronteiras nacionais, demandando formas diferenciadas de cooperação.

Asset Publisher

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

Cadernos Adenauer

Journal about politics, economy and society

The Cadernos Adenauer Series (ISSN 1519-0951) focuses on issues related to the development of a democratic society. Articles are published on a variety of subjects in the fields of politics, the social situation, economics, international relations and law. Cadernos Adenauer aims to contribute to the dissemination of information and the broadening of public debate on issues of national and international importance.

To get to the complete overview, please switch to Portuguese.

Brazil in Focus

Newsletter on current issues of Brazilian politics

Brazil in Focus is a periodic publication that seeks to analyze in a more succinct way the central themes of Brazilian politics. Since 2020,  the bulletins have been shorter and published monthly, maintaining the political scientist, professor Humberto Dantas, as its principal author and organizer.

Brazil-Europe series

Yearbook on European-Brazilian Relations

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brazil publishes an annual anthology on European-Brazilian relations. It contains analyses and recommendations for action on relevant topics in the context of dialogue between Europeans and Brazilians. The publication series is addressed to politicians, academics and the interested public.

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