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Pre-testing of Training of Trainers Manual

Capacity Building of District Assembly members

With KAS partner:Tamale Ecclesiastical Provincial Pastoral Centre (TEPPCON)

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KAF holds Training of Trainers workshop in Tamale in preparation for new Assembly Members

12th - 16th February 2006.

KAF in its usual pioneering role to ensure that people are empowered to participate in and influence processes that affect their daily life in efficient and decentralized manner, has teamed up with one of its partners- Tamale Ecclesiastical Provincial Pastoral Centre (TEPPCON) to deepen decentralisation in Northern Ghana.

KAF and TEPPCON have developed a Training Manual to be used by Trainers across the Northern Sector of the country to train District and Municipal Assembly members on the procedures of the Assemblies, duties and responsibilities of the Assembly members, relationship between the Assembly members, their constituents and the Assemblies. How the Assembly members could integrate traditional authorities into work of the Assemblies and finally how to tap the resources enormous of the traditional authorities for development at the local level.

The process started with four zonal workshops to sensitise and solicit views of stakeholders and development partners on the crucial developmental needs of their respective communities, zones and Northern Ghana as a whole. After which consultants were appointed to develop the modules for the trainers. The Modules have been completed and this workshop would pre-test it.

This is a timely event considering the fact that Ghana prepares for the new Assembly members who will be elected in June this year.

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Mr. Bern GURI; KAF Senior Programme OfficerMr. Isaac OWOSU-MENSAH, KAF Programme Officer

Klaus D. Loetzer

Head of the KAS office in Tunisia

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