Asset Publisher

Event Reports

Deepening the Democratic Process in Ghana – The Role of Chiefs

Seminar held at the Elmina Beach Resort from the 31 May – 1 June 2005

Presentations by Resource Persons at the 4th Tripartite Seminar between the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the National House of Chiefs

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  • Resourcing the Chieftaincy Institution to enhance Performance

    by Hon. Kwadwo Baah Wiredu, Minister for Finance and Economic Planning

  • Legal Problems militating against the Administration of Chieftaincy in Ghana – The Chieftaincy Amendment Bill

    by Hon. J. Ayikoi Otoo, Attorney General and Minister for Justice

  • Meeting the constitutional Responsibilities of the Chieftaincy Institution through Research

    by Naa Prof. J. S. Nabila Wulugu Naba and Chairman of the Research Committee of the National House of Chiefs

  • Chiefs as Partners in Development – Traditional Authorities vis-à-vis District Assemblies

    by Hon. Charles B. Bintim, Minister for Local Government and Rural Development

  • The Role of Chiefs in Land Administration

    by Hon. Dominic Fobih, Minister for Lands, Forestry and Mines

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