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INFOSTRAG team of the Laboratory of Industrial and Energy Economics (EBEO) of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Greece and Cyprus Office is supporting for another year the annual Ermoupolis Seminar for the Information Society and the Economy of Knowledge via granting scholarships to students of Greek or Cypriot nationality intending to participate in the full programme.

Study and Information Program

Scholarship Programme KAS Greece/Cyprus

Become a member of the large KAS Greece/Cyprus family now!

Expert talk

Desinformation and Religion

Conference in Thessaloniki in light of the war in Ukraine

Expert conference

Athens Security Forum

The New Europe Facing the challenges of multiple crises


Political Academy

Fighting propaganda in Europe in times of war


Greece and Europe - A new chapter with PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis

A debate between leaders of the European People's Party.


Ziller, der sächsische Nationalarchitekt Griechenlands: sein Vermächtnis 100 Jahre nach seinem Tod

Veranstaltung zum 100. Todestag des großen Architekten

Expert conference

Ermoupolis Seminar for the Information Society and the Economy of Knowledge 2023

Scholarships for the participation to the Ermoupolis Seminar 2022

Study and Information Program

Scholarship Programme KAS Greece/Cyprus

Become a member of the large KAS Greece/Cyprus family now!


Athens Security Forum

European Security after the War in Ukraine

Asset Publisher

The future of Energy Security in the Eastern Mediterranean

Leading experts from Greece, Europe and the USA exchange views on the geopolitics of energy and the future of energy supply.

Resilience strategies in Greece and Germany

An online discussion.

Business Agility during the time of the Covid

A discussion for the Covid Era Workplace and Mindset

Learning online in the Time of COVID 19

Fireside Discussion

An Online Fireside discussion of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation about education, digitalization and the Covid - 19 era.

Opportunities for digitalization in politics and business in the times of Covid-19

Online Discussion

A discussion in the context of the Thessaloniki International Fair

Trends in the European Economy and the prospects for Greece

in a post Covid-19 world

Experts e-Discussion

Ermoupolis Seminar

for the Information Society and the Economy of Knowledge 2020

KAS Supported the hybrid Ermoupolis Seminar 2020

Online Panorama of Entrepreneurship and Career Development

What comes after the Technical University?

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's participation in the online Forum.

Germany's Presidency of the Council of the EU - Goals and Priorities

Presentation and Analysis of a Poll on the perception of Germany among the Greeks

Online Experts Discussion in light of the upcoming take-over of the Presidency of the Council of the EU by Germany on 1 July 2020

Re-sparking the Economy

KAS Greece and Cyprus, in collaboration with the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) and the Federation of German Industries (BDI), organized a discussion on how industries and government can re-spark their economy in the post Covid era.