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Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher

There are currently no events planned.

Asset Publisher

Study and Information Program

Scholarship Programme KAS Greece/Cyprus

Become a member of the large KAS Greece/Cyprus family now!

Expert talk

Desinformation and Religion

Conference in Thessaloniki in light of the war in Ukraine

Expert conference

Athens Security Forum

The New Europe Facing the challenges of multiple crises


Political Academy

Fighting propaganda in Europe in times of war


Greece and Europe - A new chapter with PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis

A debate between leaders of the European People's Party.


Ziller, der sächsische Nationalarchitekt Griechenlands: sein Vermächtnis 100 Jahre nach seinem Tod

Veranstaltung zum 100. Todestag des großen Architekten

Expert conference

Ermoupolis Seminar for the Information Society and the Economy of Knowledge 2023

Scholarships for the participation to the Ermoupolis Seminar 2022

Study and Information Program

Scholarship Programme KAS Greece/Cyprus

Become a member of the large KAS Greece/Cyprus family now!


Athens Security Forum

European Security after the War in Ukraine

Expert talk

Vaterschafts- und Elternurlaub

gleichberechtigte Beteiligung von Männern an der Kinderbetreuung

Asset Publisher

Lessons Learned from Radicalization-Prevention Efforts

The workshop addressed the problems which have risen in Europe by recent terrorist and radical events.

The Spirit of Entreprneurship: Starting Up in Family Business

Discussion with guests from the field of Family Business.

Europaabgeordneter David McAllister zu Besuch auf Zypern

Der Vorsitzende des Ausschusses für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und Vizepräsident der Europäischen Volkspartei besuchte Nikosia im Rahmen eines zweitägigen Dialogprogramms der KAS Athen.

Local Governance in the Social Market Economy

Fachhtagung der KAS Griechenland in Komotini

A discussion on the model of Social Market Economy and the role of Local Governance in it.

Panorama of Entrepreneurship and Career Development

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung participated in the Forum this year with guest speakers in three different panels and Roundtable discussions.

Delphi Economic Forum II

Bereits zum zweiten Mal nahm das KAS-Auslandsbüro Griechenland als Programmpartner am Delphi Economic Forum teil.

Political Academy of KAS in Cyprus

The first seminar for young politicians and active citizens took place in Nicosia of Cyprus between 17 and 19 February with the support of the Glafkos Clerides Institute.

Jenseits von "Absorption": Die Wirkung von EU-Strukturfonds in Griechenland

Buchvorstellung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Governance der Universität der Peloponnes

KAS Journalism Seminars

KAS Greece organizes seminars for journalists, media professionals and students with Greek and international experts.

The Spirit of Entrepreneurship: Spinning off and Technology Transfer

Discussion with experts from the fields of spin-offs and technology transfer