Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher

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Asset Publisher

Expert talk

Beyond Covid19

The way forward for Greek and German industries


Train your agile skills with the Sustainable Development Goals.

From teamwork and organisation to living more sustainably.

Learn how to co-opearate remotely with a team whose members live in different cities of Europe!

Expert talk

The role of Social Media in contemporary democracy

Online-Discussion on the principles of the freedom of speech, transparency and accountability


Inclusive Leadership in Times of Crisis

Tackling topics of Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity during the time of the Pandemic.


Rule of Law in the European Union: Challenges and Perspectives

Online Discussion with outstanding speakers


Europe after Brexit: Challenges and perspectives of a new partnership

Online - Discussion on the future of the EU-UK relations

Expert talk

Restructuring, Re-allocation and resilience of Global Value Chains after the pandemic

A window of new opportunities for Greece and Germany

An online industrial experts discussion.

Live stream

The European future is digital.

Best practices from Greece and Germany.

Expert talk

Financing, private debt and the restart of the economy

The Greek economy and the European context: (new) crisis and opportunities

Expert talk

The future of Energy Security in the Eastern Mediterranean

Leading experts from Greece, Europe and the USA exchange views on the geopolitics of energy and the future of energy supply.

Asset Publisher

Desinformation and Religion

Conference in Thessaloniki in light of the war in Ukraine

Short summary of the conference


German-Greek Collaborations: Looking to the future

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, German Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Germany Trade and Invest: A discussion about the German-Greek cooperations.

Vaterschafts- und Elternurlaub

gleichberechtigte Beteiligung von Männern an der Kinderbetreuung

Präsentiert und diskutiert waren, die wichtigsten Resultate der durchgeführten Recherche von Women On Top NGO, über die Inanspruchnahme von Vaterschafts- und Elternurlaub in Griechenland.

Energy Issues & Support of Greek Businesses

A panel discussion in the context of TIF 2022

Affirmative action policies towards women in Greece and in Europe

An expert talk with speakers from Greece and Germany

Short Summary

War in Ukraine: Security Challenges for Europe and the world

High-level discussion on the war in Ukraine and its strategic implications

Short report on the event

Social Market Economy

Working with Agenda 2030

A live seminar for students between 16 - 20 who are interested to learn about the economic model of Europe - Social Market Economy, the Sustainable Development Goals and how they can affect their socioeconomic environment through their own actions.

5th Annual Conference of Women on Top: ‘Equality and Inclusion in Business’

Report about the 5th Annual Conference of Women on Top: ‘Equality and Inclusion in Business’

Citizens, local politicians and the future of Europe

Online discussion entitled "Citizens, Local Politicians and the Future of Europe" in collaboration with European Leaders.

COP26 Conference

How do we move forward in Europe?

An online Experts Discussion.