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“Salvation will not come from outside”

by Michael Mertes

“Deutschlandfunk” interview with Michael Mertes, Director of KAS Israel

In an interview with the German national public radio “Deutschlandfunk”, Michael Mertes, Director of KAS Israel, said that mutual incitement to hatred was contributing to the current escalation of violence between Israelis and Palestinians. He criticized political leaders on both sides for not showing enough courage and moral leadership in clearly rejecting, within their own people, incitement to hatred against the other people.

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Mertes said he knew from his own observation as well as from public opinion polls that the majority of Israelis and Palestinians were decent, civilized people who were firmly opposed to hate speech. “Salvation will not come from outside,” he added. “It must come from within civil society. What is needed is a ‘revolt of the decent majority’ against those who preach contempt and hatred, as well as against leaders who do not exercise their moral responsibility. The decent majority must tell them: ‘Stop exploiting the suffering of the victims and their families for your own political purposes! Stop tolerating hate speech against the other side! Stop demonizing and dehumanizing the other side!’”

As a role model, Mertes quoted the uncle of Naftali Frenkel, one of the three yeshiva students who had been abducted and killed by Palestinian terrorists: “There is no difference between Arab blood and Jewish blood. Murder is murder. There is no forgiveness or justification for any murder.”

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Jerusalem (Jaffa Street), 1. Juli 2014, 21.30 Uhr: Spontane Trauerkundgebung für die drei ermordeten Jeschiwa-Schüler Eigenes Foto KAS Israel / Michael Mertes
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Eine Facebookseite warb für die Forderung, bis zur Freilassung der drei entführten Jeschiwa-Studenten stündlich einen in israelischer Haft befindlichen Palästinenser hinzurichten. (Quelle:, abgerufen 04.07.2014), abgerufen 04.07.2014


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