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Can Israel Be Secure Within Its 67 Borders?

Konferenz mit dem Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations


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Sunday, November 16th



Nachman Ben-Yehuda, Dean, The Faculty of Social Sciences, The Hebrew University

Arie Kacowicz, Director, The Leonard Davis Institute

Dr. h.c. Johannes Gerster, Representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Israel

Martin van Creveld, The Hebrew University


Keynote Speaker

Maj. Gen. Giora Eiland, Head of Planning Branch, Israel Defense Forces

Monday, November 17th


General Perspectives

Chair: Alon Kadish, The Hebrew University

Rethinking Notions of Territorial Security in an Era of Globalization

David Newman, Ben-Gurion University

The Israeli Defense Doctrine Before 1967

Gabi Ben-Dor, University of Haifa

Past and Future Security Arrangements: Some Legal Aspects

Ruth Lapidoth, College of Management, School of Law


Security After a Withdrawal

Chair: Uri Bialer, The Hebrew University

Who Needs the Territories?

Martin van Creveld, The Hebrew University

Comprehensive Security: International and External Threats

Mark Heller, Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel-Aviv University


Future Threats

Chair: Yair Evron, Tel-Aviv University

Nuclear Deterrence Along the 67 Borders

Shai Feldman, Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel-Aviv University

Conventional Deterrence

Shlomo Brom, Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel-Aviv University

Tuesday, November 18th


Regional Dimensions

Chair: David Newman, Ben-Gurion University

Redefining the "Arab Threat"

Avraham Sela, The Hebrew University

Israel, The Arabs and the Rethinking Security

Asher Susser, The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Tel-Aviv University


International Dimensions

Chair: Martin van Creveld, The Hebrew University

The U.S., the Middle East, and Israel

Edward Luttwak, Center for Strategic ans International Studies, Washington D.C.

Europe in the Middle East,

Francois Heisbourg, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique


Roundtable Discussion: Broader Implications of a Withdrawal

Chair: Arie Kacowicz, The Hebrew University

Shlomo Avineri,The Hebrew University

Asa Kasher, Tel-Aviv University

M.K. Yuli Tamir, Tel-Aviv University

Tzipi Livni, Minister of Immigrant Absorption

Entrance only with invitation and appropriate identification.

No weaponry is permitted on campus.

The conference will be broadcast live on the institute's site.

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The Senate Hall, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem


Amos Helms

Amos Helms

Desk Officer for Asia in the Department International Dialogue Programs +49 30 26996-3440 +49 30 26996-3558

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