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Complementing IHL

Exploring the Need for Additional Norms

Conference on the role of International Humanitarian Law in situations of conflict.

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Konrad Adenauer Conference Center, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Jerusalem

17:00-17:30 Registration and Reception

17:30-18:00 Greetings

18:00-19:30 Keynote Address

Address: Judge Theodor Meron

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

The Minimum Humanitarian Standards project as an attempt to complement IHL – then and now

Response: Prof. Francoise Hampson

University of Essex

Monday, June 2, 2008

Konrad Adenauer Conference Center, Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Jerusalem

09:30-11:00 Panel I: Broadening the Normative Framework

Chair: Dr. Iris Canor

College of Management Academic Studies

Speakers: Ms. Valentina Falco

European University Institute

The internal legal order of international and regional organizations as a complementary framework for their obligations under IHL: The case of the European Union

Prof. Dr. Andreas Paulus

University of Göttingen

Towards a merger of humanitarian law and human rights law? The development of the relationship between humanitarian law and human rights law in Europe

Mr. Charles Shamas

Mattin Group, Ramallah

Peremptory norms, the duty of non-recognition, propriety and legal syncretism: Getting states to mind their own business

11:30-13:00 Panel II: Regulating Non-international and other Atypical Conflicts

Chair: Dr. Hala Khoury-Bisharat

Tel-Aviv University; College of Management Academic Studies

Speakers: Prof. David Kretzmer

Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Ramat Gan Academic Center of Law and Business; University of Ulster

Rethinking application of IHL in non-international armed conflicts

Prof. Dino Kritsiotis

University of Nottingham; University of Michigan

War, armed conflict and characterizations of the war on terror

Prof. Yuval Shany

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Possible directions for regulating the situation in Gaza

13:00-14:30 Recess

14:30-16:30 Panel III: Conceptualizing Modern Challenges to IHL

Chair: Prof. Moshe Hirsch

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Speakers: Mr. Anthony Dworkin

Executive Director, Crimes of War Project

Regulating the spectrum of violence: A conceptual overview

Adv. Rotem Giladi

University of Michigan

Hidden agenda: The broad normative setting of occupation law

Adv. Michael Lieberman

Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Washington DC

Pragmatism and principle in International Humanitarian Law

Ms. Daphné Richemond-Barak

Tel-Aviv University

Private military companies and combatancy status under IHL

17:00-18:30 Panel IV: The Laws of State Responsibility as a Normative Source

Chair: Prof. Frances Raday

Hebrew University of Jerusalem; College of Management Academic Studies; University College London

Speakers: Dr. Amichai Cohen

Ono Academic College

IHL rules on economic sanctions?

Prof. Francoise Hampson

University of Essex

State responsibility for the extra-territorial acts of armed forces which are not regulated by IHL

Dr. Yaël Ronen

Ono Academic College

Protect or compensate – liability for ‘incidental injury’?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Van Leer Institute, 43 Jabotinsky St., Jerusalem

09:30-11:00 Panel V: The Complementary Role of Institutions

Chair: Dr. Robbie Sabel

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Speakers: Prof. Emiliano Buis

University of Buenos Aires

From La Tablada to Guantanamo Bay: The challenge of new conflict situations in the experience of the Inter-American system of human rights protection

Mr. Gilad Noam

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Complementing IHL: Is there a role for international criminal courts and tribunals?

Dr. Ralph Wilde

University College London

Complementing occupation law? Selective judicial treatment of the suitability of human rights norms

11:30-13:00 Panel VI: Norms Governing the War On Terror

Chair: Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Speakers: Prof. Geoffrey Corn

South Texas College of Law

Untying the Gordian Knott: A proposal for determining applicability of the laws of war to the war on terror

Dr. Knut Dörmann

Head of Legal Division, ICRC, Geneva

The role of IHL in the fight against terrorism

Prof. Claus Kress

Köln University

Towards a new international legal regime against transnational terrorism: An asymmetrical regime of extraterritorial law enforcement including (adjusted) elements of the law of armed conflict

13:00-14:30 Recess

14:30-16:30 Panel VII: Summing Up

Chair: Adv. Eitan Diamond

Legal Adviser, ICRC, Tel-Aviv

Rapporteur: Dr. Hilly Moodrick – Even Khen

Sha'arei Mishpat College

Comments: Adv. Sari Bashi

Director, Gisha: Legal Center for Freedom of Movement

Col. Pnina Sharvit-Baruch

Head of International Law Division, Military Advocate General's Office, IDF

Roundtable: Concluding discussion

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Konrad Adenauer Conference Center and Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem


Dr. Lars Hänsel


Head of the Department Europe and North America +49 30 26996-3526

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Minerva Center for Human Rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem