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Football, Reconciliation and Peace

How can football bridge between peoples?

What was the place of Jewish football players in Germany before the war an how did football contribute to Israel-Germany relations? What place Arab football players have in Israel today and can sport help to bridge between Israelis and Palestinians?

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On the occasion of the exhibition "From Stars to Persecuted - German-Jewish Football players in the Shadow of the Swastika" of Goethe Institut Israel, The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung is hosting a panel dealing with the questions; What was the place of Jewish football players in Germany before the Holocaust and how did football help in building the German-Israeli relationship after the war? What is the place of Arab football player in Israel today and whether sportive activity can bridge between Israelis and Palestinians? The participants in the Panel will be Prof. Moshe Zimmermann, Walaa Hussein and Dvir Zivan. The panel will be moderated by Tal Heinrich.

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Doron Gilad

Doron Gilad

Project Manager +972 (0) 2 567 1830 +972 (0) 2 567 1831