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Faith and Ecology Conference

The conference aims to promote coexistence and religious tolerance based on a shared goal of environmental stewardship across the three monotheistic religions, and promotes a connection across faiths to humanize the “other”.

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The Conference serves to educate these current and future young clergy from the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish faiths to illuminate their shared values in ecological stewardship. The Conference involves a panel presentation by religious leaders and scientists, interactive workshops, and an outdoor session. A video session features interviews of senior religious leaders calling for coexistence and environmental action.

  • Admission to the Conference is FREE.
  • Lunch will be provided to those who pre- register.

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Mishkenot Sha'anim


  • Dr. Michael Borchard
    • Rabbi Yonatan Neril
      • Father Michael Biju

        Hildegard Mohr

        Project Manager (Interreligious Dialogue, History, Israeli Think-Tanks)