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Expert conference

Transitions in/to Democracy: Contemporary Chances and Challenges

Joint Conference of KAS Israel and the Minerva Center or Human Rights

The discourse on transitional justice in Israel is still in its infancy, and this conference is intended to make a significant contribution with both local and global implications.

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Transitional justice is a powerful, evolving interdisciplinary field concerned with processes, methods and mechanisms that can provide societies who have undergone collective and mass individual trauma – such as extended armed conflict, civil war, military rule, despotic regimes, genocide and other forms of systematic human rights violations - with ways of coping with the effects of these experiences in order to transition to sustainable conditions of respect for human rights and coexistence. These methods include, among others, criminal justice and accountability, institutional and rule-of law reform, truth-telling, reconciliation and reparation.

To address all the questions inherent to the complex and multifaceted relationship between the concepts of transitional justice, on one hand, and democracy, on the other, the Minerva Center for Human Rights will be holding, in cooperation with KAS, an international conference employing a broad, interdisciplinary approach and utilizing the comparative experience of other societies and international experts.

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Catherine Hirschwitz

Catherine Hirschwitz bild

Project Manager (Women’s Projects, Human Rights, European Affairs) +972 2 567 1830 +972 2 567 1831

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Minerva Center for Human Rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem