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Environmental Protection and Climate Change at the Local Level

An environmental forum about the municipal elections 2013 in Tel Aviv

In the run-up to the municipal elections on October 22, 2013, KAS Israel and the environmental organization SPNI invite you to learn about the opinions of the different local election candidates on environmental protection and climate change.

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In the run-up to the municipal elections on October 22, 2013, the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Israel and the environmental organization “Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel” (SPNI) invite you to learn about the opinions of the different local election candidates and parties on environmental protection and climate change and to discuss the “green” agenda for their five-year term of office. The event will take place in Hebrew.

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Tel Aviv, Seminar Ha Kibutzim, Hall 70


Evelyn Gaiser

Evelyn Gaiser bild

Policy Advisor for Transatlantic Relations/NATO +49 30 26996-3645

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