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Expert conference

Work-Life-Balance and Equal Pay for Women

Goals of the conference: To promote the creation of a working environment that encourages a balance between the professional and personal lives of the Israeli worker

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Goals of the conference: To promote the creation of a working environment that encourages a balance between the professional and personal lives of the Israeli worker in order to alleviate and lessen the pressures of dealing with professional responsibilities and personal family obligations. Additionally, this will allow women to fully integrate into the workforce in a variety of positions. The work-life balance will be based on the adaptation of existing models from abroad. The issue of equal pay for equal work will become an issue of vital importance in the coming decade in Israel and all over the world; the event will discuss how the Israeli Knesset intends to integrate the issue into the Israeli workplace.

Description of Event: The event will take place in the Israeli Knesset on December 6th, 2011 and will be hosted by Members of Knesset. Government representatives, Members of Knesset, women who hold prominent positions in the business world and representatives of organizations that are relevant to the issue will participate in the event.

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Knesset, Jerusalem


Supporting and Advancing the Status of Women in Israel: Conference on Work-Life Balance
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Catherine Hirschwitz

Catherine Hirschwitz bild

Project Manager (Women’s Projects, Human Rights, European Affairs) +972 2 567 1830 +972 2 567 1831

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Israel Women's Network (IWN)