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Event Reports


Development of media skills of the employees of the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs

On August 10 – October 12, 2015, Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs Amman-Jordan and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Amman Office held a workshop entitled "Development of media skills of the employees of the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs"

Studien- und Dialogprogramm für Vertreter der Demokratischen Partei Kurdistans

Team Inlandsprogramme

Auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ist in dieser Woche eine Delegation von Vertreter der Demokratischen Partei Kurdistans (DPK)zu Gast in Brüssel und Berlin, um die weiteren Entwicklungen im Irak und darüber hinaus - insbesondere aber in der Autonomen Region Kurdistan (ARK) – zu diskutieren und davon ausgehend weitere Schritte zur Intensivierung der Zusammenarbeit im Interesse der weiteren friedlichen Entwicklung in der ARK zu erörtern.

School Curricula and Textbooks

The Forth workshop of the " Nisan Center Forum for Policy Dialogue", a program supported by Konrad Adenauer Foundation was held on June 16, 2015 in Amman – at Jerusalem Hotel with the participation of about 65 people, as well as a the former Prime Minister Mr. Marouf Al-Bakhit , uni-versity professors, teachers, religious fig-ures, political parties interested people & activists in this field.

Religious Field Reform

The Third workshop of the "Nisan Center Forum for Policy Dialogue", a program supported by Konrad Adenauer Foundation was held on May 30. 2015 in Amman – at Jerusalem Hotel with the participation of about 50 people, as well as a the former Prime Minister Mr. Taher Al-Masri, A number of social & political activists, representatives of political parties In addition to specialist and clerics concerned in this field.


In April 2015, KAS Jordan Office organized in collaboration with Mossawah Center for Civil Society Development a seminar entitled: "The Role of Municipal Councils in Local Community Development" in Ajloun, Jerash and Amman. 50-60 participants discussed the role of municipalities in local development and studied the participatory relationship between municipalities, youth and civil society organizations.

Debate between the Popular Movement (Hirak) and the Government

The second workshop of the "Nisan Center Forum for Policy Dialogue", a program supported by Konrad Adenauer Foundation was held on the 16.05.2015 in Amman, at Nisan Center, with the participation of about 40 people, as well as a the Minister of Political & Parliamentary Affairs/ Dr. Khaled Al- Kalaldeh/, and a number of social & political activists and representatives of political parties, in addition to trade unions representatives.


The Jordan Office of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) organized in collaboration with Mossawah Center for Civil Society Development a roundtable discussion in Irbid, Ramtha and Zarqa on “Youth Economic Empowerment in Light of the Syrian Refugee Influx”. The two-day event, held in March 2015, brought together representatives from the local community, civil society, activists, journalists and a number of Syrians living in the targeted areas of the private sector.

“Strengthening Small and Medium Enterprises in Jordan”

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Jordan Office in cooperation with Jordanian Young Economist Society (JYES) issued a research entitled “Strengthening Small and Medium Enterprises in Jordan”; the research is a result of several workshops with different concerned sectors. The research includes different topics related to the challenges facing the SME sector in addition to a number of recommendations.

How Do Jordanian Political Parties Read The King`s Discussion Papers?

The first workshop of the " Nisan Center Forum for Policy Dialogue", a program supported by Konrad Adenauer Foundation was held on the 12.04.2015 in Amman - Jerusalem International Hotel with the participation of about 60 people, as well as representatives of the Jordanian chambers of parliament and political parties from all directions and a number of press, media and the official Jordanian television, In addition to representatives from some research centers and civil society organizations.

Christians and the Arab Spring -2

KAS Jordan office in cooperation with AlQuds Center for Political Studies organized a conference entitled “Christians and the Arab Spring” in which Christian figures from many Arab countries participated. The report enclosed the important discussions and opinions of the participants regarding the challenges Christians face in the aftermath of the Arab Spring, by the end of the conference the participants issued a declaration which included recommendations for the governments and the concerned parties.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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