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Asset Publisher

The Strained Position of Neutrality

Jordan and the Ukraine-Russian War

Traditionally an important American ally in the Middle East, Jordan has also developed some ties with Russia and has to take into account the strong Russian position in Syria. However, it will be difficult to remain neutral during the global confrontation around the war in Ukraine.

Jordanian Young Analysts: "Refugees and Forced Migrants - Jordanian Youth Policy Perspectives"

In cooperation with the West Asia-North Africa Institute (WANA)

These policy papers are part of the project entitled «Jordan-EU Dialogue on Human Security Issues» implemented jointly by the West Asia-North Africa Institute (WANA) and the Konrad-Adenauer- Stiftung (KAS) – Jordan Office. The aim of the project is to raise awareness on the issues of importance and priority that Jordan must address in 2021 from a non-governmental perspective, cementing the culture of informing and enhancing exchange of knowledge that is able to influence public policies in Jordan.

Better Balance between State Authorities - a Priority for Reform in Jordan

By Mais Abdelhaleem

This policy paper explores the history of political reform in Jordan, highlighting key challenges.

Institutionalization of Political Parties in Jordan

By Almuntaser Bluwi

This policy paper discusses the significance of party institutionalization and presents policy insights and recommendations based on a pilot assessment of political parties in Jordan.

Islamists’ Boycott of Local Elections: Sending Messages and Saving Face

By Suha Ma’ayeh

This article discusses the Islamists move to sit out the upcoming municipal elections and if they can afford to be politically disengaged in the long term. While the Muslim Brotherhood has already been weakened, they are trying to use the boycott to express their discontent with the political process and avoid becoming further marginalized.

Municipal Elections 2022 | Pre-Election Survey

The Municipal Elections are expected to take place on the 22nd of March 2022. In light of the current conditions, which play a role in the performance of municipalities as well as their corresponding elections, NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions conducted a nationally representative survey, in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Jordan Office, exploring Jordanians’ opinions with regard to political participation in the upcoming elections in Jordan.

The New Levant

Rationales, implications and future trajectories of the cooperation between Jordan, Iraq and Egypt

Working Papers

Jordan's Mediation Leverage in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Making Use of the Regional Momentum

by: Farah Bdour

In her policy paper, Farah Bdour writes about Jordan's role as a mediator to sustain the viability of the two-state solution in light of new regional shifts and cooperation. She highlights the importance of mediation diplomacy, multilateral mechanisms and efficient coordination to establish successful peace talks for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Jordan and the Challenge of Climate Change - A Report from COP26

Report by Hala Al-Hamawi

KAS Jordan Office is very proud that after participating in one of our Programs “Jordan-EU Dialogue on Human Security Issues” in cooperation with WANA, Ms. Hala Al-Hamawi attended the Global Climate Summit #cop26glasgow, which just ended in Glasgow representing young Jordanians.

The Environment and Politics in Jordan: The Need for Action

by Sanad Al-Quran

In his policy paper, Sanad Al-Quran writes about numerous environmental challenges Jordan faces today ranging from water scarcity to air pollution. Emphasizing the role of politics, research and technology, he gives suggestions on how make to make the country more environmentally-friendly to improve the livelihood of its citizens.