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Asset Publisher

Decentralization Efforts in Jordan

The Municipal and Governorate Council Elections of August 2017

The governorate and municipal council elections of August 2017 were part and parcel of Jordan’s plans to formalize a framework for the country’s decentralization, building on plans of King Abdullah II. This framework was bolstered by new laws passed in 2015 which introduced the governorate council as a new, elected subnational advisory body. While the new governorate councils have the potential to increase local participation in the formulation of local development needs and service-provision, they have no legislative authority.

Mit einer App gegen den IS?

Neue Wege im Kampf gegen Radikalisierung in Jordanien

Die Zahl der terroristischen Anschläge in Jordanien wächst kontinuierlich. Dabei ist das Land längst nicht mehr nur ein Anschlagsziel. Der sogenannte Islamische Staat (IS) rekrutiert auch einen Teil seiner Kämpfer aus Jordanien. Um die fortschreitende Radikalisierung einzudämmen, haben die jordanische Regierung und religiöse Eliten nun eine neue Initiative gestartet: Über eine App soll der Gedanke eines moderaten und positiven Islam verbreitet und dem IS so der Zulauf genommen werden.

هلموت كول

مؤرخ، رئيس وزراء، مستشار اتحادي، دكتوراه في الفلسفة، حاصل على أكثر من دكتوراه فخرية.

ولد في الثالث من نيسان (أبريل) 1930 في لودفغسهافن، توفي في السادس عشر من حزيران (يونيو) 2017 في لودفغسهافن، مسيحي كاثوليكي.

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung mourns the loss of Helmut Kohl

On the death of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and former President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, writes:

Vow Renewal

Jordan and the US at the Beginning of the Trump Era

While Donald Trump’s executive orders and the focus of his administration on “America first” have left many political leaders in the world with sentiments ranging from apprehension and anticipation to dread and fear, the relationship between the United States and the Jordanian government is stronger than ever.

Jordaniens (erneute) Kabinettsbildung

Neue Chancen für dringend benötigte Reformen?

Am 15. Januar 2017 ordnete der jordanische Premierminister Hani Al-Mulki eine Kabinettsumbildung an, bereits die zweite in seiner siebenmonatigen Amtszeit. Die neuen Minister sind mehrheitlich alte Bekannte der politischen Arena Jordaniens. Ist die jordanische Regierung in der Lage, neue Akzente zu setzen, notwendige Reformen zu implementieren und das Königreich gegen den wirtschaftlichen Abwärtstrend und den anschwellenden Extremismus zu immunisieren?

Jordan’s cabinet re-(re-)-shuffled

A window of opportunity for reforms in Jordan?

At a time of deteriorating economic conditions and security challenges Prime Minister Hani Mulki, appointed by HM King Abdullah in May last year, conducted a re-shuffle to his cabinet on 15 January 2017. The changes were approved by a Royal decree and are affecting major portfolios. It is the second re-shuffle to Mulki’s cabinet after less than seven months in office and includes six new ministers.

Political Parties in Jordan

A Historical and Analytical Perspective 1921 - 2016

This book was written together with the Al-Quds Center for Political Studies.

Women's Role in Jordanian Political Parties

This book was written together with the Al Quds Center for Political Studies.

Parties and Parliamentary Experience in Jordan and Morocco

This book contains two papers submitted in a workshop co-funded by the European Union and organised throughout the period December 1st-3rd, 2016 in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Jordan's Center for Civic Education.