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Civil Society and Cultural Pluralism

This event is being organised together with Nisan Center for Political and Parliamentary Development.


Laws Regulating Political Life

This event is organised in cooperation with Al Quds Center for Political Studies.


Workshop: Developing a Political Initiative

KAS Jordan Office organises this workshop together with the Jordanian Center for Civic Education.

Expert conference

Conference: Youth and the Concept of the Civil State

This conference is being organised by KAS Jordan Office in cooperation with the Nisan Center for Political and Parliamentary Development.


Political Party Identity and Internal Democracy

This workshop is being organised together with Al Quds Center for Political Studies.

Seminar: Female Preachers I

This seminar is being organised in cooperation with the Jordanian Center for Civic Education.


Workshop: Youth Perspectives on Politics

As a continuation of Youth Academy launched in 2018, KAS and the cooperation partner JCCE are organising a two day workshop for 14-16 targeted group of youth under the activities of the youth Academy 2019. It will take place on the 22th and 23th of February 2019 in Amman. The workshop aims at developing and empowering a generation of youth leaders who are able to participate in decision making process by discussing political issues and topics while networking with each other through formal and informal networks. The targeted youth will be selected from civil society organizations and political parties across Jordan, from areas such as Eastern Amman, Al Tafileh, AlMafraq, Ma’an, Ajloun, Madaba and Irbid.

Expert talk

Expert Roundtable: Youth and Prevention

KAS Jordan Office is organizing an expert roundtable on the topic of "Youth and Prevention." A delegation of German politicians and experts, including the Deputy Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, have the opportunity to exchange views and experiences with high-ranking Jordanians such as a Former Prime Minister and the Minister of Youth and Culture, as well as a number of Jordanian experts.


Workshop: Politics in the Media

KAS Jordan Office in cooperation with Al-Quds center organises a series of training workshops to strengthen the role of youth in Jordanian Political Parties. The first of these workshops takes place on the 16-17th of February in Amman. The workshop aims at strengthening the ability of youth’s leadership capacity's and ownership over political party platform.

Expert conference

Conference: Civil Society as a Bulwark Against Extremism

KAS Jordan Office organises this conference in cooperation with Nisan Center for Political and Parliamentary Development.

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Political Participation for All! A Workshop Series for Young Jordanians with Disabilities

Written By: Nele Hubert

In view of the upcoming parliamentary elections, KAS Jordan Office and the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD) have launched a Youth Academy Program, consisting of a workshop series that creates an inclusive dialogue with young Jordanians with disabilities about the importance and substance of everyone’s political, civic and legal engagement.

Democracy and Social Media; A Workshop Series with Jordanian Influencers

Written By: Nele Hubert

Social media influencers hold an increasing dominance and power over people’s minds. As Jordan awaits the upcoming Parliamentary Elections in September, social media influencers can play an important role in increasing political awareness. The series of workshops co-organized by KAS and Qased Training and Empowerment aims to leverage Jordanian influencers’ wide reach in order to motivate their young followers to engage in voting.

NATO Academic Competition

Written By: Celine Schaller

As the unipolar world shifts towards a multipolar world order, new conflicts will arise in which the defense alliance will act. But what role does the defense alliance play in other regions outside Europe and North America? Which strategies does the alliance follow there? These and similar ques-tions were discussed at the NATO Academic Competition on the 7th of November 2023 in Amman.

German Foreign Policy – After Zeitenwende

A Conversation with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stahl - By: Daria Korastyleva

On the 4th of October 2023, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) Jordan Office, organized a dialogue seminar with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stahl, a professor at the Chair for International Politics at the University of Passau. The seminar aimed to delve deeper into the evolving landscape of Germany’s foreign policy, exploring its interests, strategic tools, and far-reaching implications for the Middle East. Jordanian analysts and young professionals joined the discussion, adding valuable perspectives to the discussion.

Foreign Relations Survey Launch (Wave IV)

Event Report

Getting Ready for a New Era of Political Life in Jordan

A Dialogue Session with Political Parties

In lieu of Jordanian political parties formalizing their situation to align with the new political parties' law, and witnessing new political parties being created, the Jordan Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), Al-Quds Center for Political Studies and the Independent Election Commission have launched a dialogue session for political parties. Featuring party members from Morocco and Lebanon, the dialogue session aims to allow party members across the region to exchange their experiences in political parties' participation in parliamentary elections.

Political Participation in Jordan from a Religious Perspective


On June 24, 2023, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) Office Abroad in Jordan, together with the Catholic Center for Studies and Media (CCSM), organized the event "Political Participation in Jordan from a Religious Perspective" in Amman, Jordan. The conference was held under the patronage of His Excellency Abdul-Raouf Rawabdeh, Jordan's former Prime Minister. The Apostolic Nuncio to Jordan, Archbishop Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso, and about 100 people such as Muslim and Christian clergy, journalists and representatives of civil society attended the conference.

Jordan – Still an Anchor of Stability and a Partner to Shape the New Middle East?

Policy Roundtable in Berlin

On March 27th 2023, the Jordan Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in cooperation with the German Institute for Area Studies (GIGA), have organized a policy roundtable on Jordan at the KAS Headquarters in Berlin. KAS and GIGA have taken the pulse of the Hashemite Kingdom and have engaged with around 40 Jordanian and German analysts and the Berlin foreign policy community in order to discuss the domestic and foreign policy of Jordan, German-Jordanian relations and German and European policies towards Jordan.

Jordan: From Dreams to Reality - Opening Event

By: Alinde Gnatzy

Report on the opening event of the art exhibition.

Closing Ceremony of Civic Education Programmes 2022

Participants of KAS-JCCE programmes convene in Amman

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s Jordan Office marked this year’s conclusion of the “Youth Academy” and “Women’s Voices” programmes which took place in cooperation with the Jordanian Centre for Civic Education (JCCE).