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Cambodian Artists Speak Out

Occasional Papers on Democratic Development Vol. 4

Fascinating contemporary artists are active in Cambodia. This volume of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Occasional Papers on Democratic Development introduces some of the country’s most outstanding proponents to a wider audience.

Assassination of Opposition Journalist – Political Motivation?

The assassination of an opposition journalist in Phnom Penh on July 11 has shocked the public and raised concern over the freedom of the press. The murder happened half way through the one month long official campaign for the fourth legislature of the Cambodian National Assembly after the Paris Peace Accord. Political motivation for the assassination has not been proved. However, political observers draw attention to a connection to reports published in the killed journalist’s newspaper that might exist. The leader of the opposition had been quoted alleging the Foreign Minister of participating in the Khmer Rouge atrocities in the second half of the 1970s. The editor in chief of the paper had temporarily been jailed for defamation and the opposition leader’s parliamentary immunity is said to be at risk. The Club of Cambodian Journalists, partner of KAS in Cambodia, published a statement on this murder.

The Khmer Rouge Tribunal – how the past cast clouds over Cambodia

„Under the leadership of Pol Pot, from April 1975 to January 1979, about 1.7 million people were executed or died from hunger, exhaustion or disease in Cambodia. Almost thirty years on the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) bring former Khmer Rouge leaders to trial.”Please click in the link to read an article by country representative Wolfgang Meyer.

Publication of the Cambodian constitution

In close collaboration with the Senate of Cambodia and the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM) the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation published the original text of the Cambodian constitution as well as new improved translations into English and French. The text is available for download.

The Relations Between Local and National Interests Within a Party

Occasional Papers on Democratic Development Vol. 2

This second volume of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s (KAF) “Occasional Papers on Democratic Development” deals with political party matters at the local level and the relations between the powerful top and the bottom of party organizations. This volume reflects two areas the KAF works in in the Kingdom of Cambodia: the promotion of political parties and of decentralization. Successful democratic decentralization of the state must be reflected by decentralized party structures.

Khmer Rouge Leaders Before the Court

erschienen in "DIE WELT" vom 21. November 2007

Genocide and crimes against humanity – these are the crimes alleged to the former chief of the torture prison S 21 of the Khmer Rouge in Phnom Penh. Kaing Guek Eav, better known as “Duch”, is the first former Khmer Rouge leader to be heard before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). “Duch” claims human rights reasons in requesting his release from detention.

Cambodian Employment and Labor Law

This Khmer-edition of the textbook on the Labor Law of Cambodia is part of the ongoing effort to provide students, professors, lawyers, judges, arbitrators and other interested parties with an authoritative textbook on the labor law of Cambodia, based on an analysis of the relevant provisions of the labor law, implementing regulations and additional background materials. For the first time awards of the Arbitration Council and judgments of the civil courts are discussed as well. The text will focus on the labor laws and practices in other countries.

First Cambodian Intern in the European Parliament

Press release from Prof. Dr. Horst Posdorf MEP

Chhor Yi Eung, 23, is the first Cambodian who is doing her internship in the European Parliament. Under the scholarship provided by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, this third-year journalism student is conducting her internship in the office of Prof. Dr. Horst Posdorf, a German Member of European Parliament, as well as in the press department of the EPP group from 27th of August until the 26th of October, 2007. The EPP group is the biggest political group and stands for conservative values.

Decentralization In Cambodia

Stuttgart’s Governing Mayor Advises Cambodia

Cambodia has always had a centralist government system in its history. Since 1994 the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation has provided policy consultancy and capacity building on democratic decentralization to the Royal Cambodian Government. First successes were achieved quickly: the first local council elections were held in 2002, marking the beginning of ”local self-administration”. Since then efforts have been made to introduce democratic structures at district and province levels as well. The political debate has been controversial and progress slow. In August 2007 the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation invited Dr. Schuster, the Governing Mayor of the City of Stuttgart, to assist in this endeavor.

Cambodian Commune Councils - First Steps

Occasional Papers on Democratic Development Vol. 1 (in Khmer; for the English version please select German language)

Many studies have been published on the state of affairs in the commune councils of Cambodia since democratic elections raised them to democratic legitimacy in 2002. Some studies were made available very soon after the start of the reform. This is an indication of the volume and the care of the support that has been provided by the Cambodian state and by foreign organizations of different creed and orientation.