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Tasks of political advisors to Members of Parliament

Dialogue between advisors to Members of Parliament in the European Parliament and the Senate in the Kingdom of Cambodia. The program is available here...

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7.30 a.m.Registration

8.00 a.m.Opening ceremony

Welcome remarks

Mr. Wolfgang Meyer, Country Representative, Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Keynote address and official opening – Sharing of foreign policy tasks between the Executive and Parliament

H. E. Mr. Oum Sarith, Secretary General of the Senate

8.30 a.m.Working experience as an advisor to a Member of Parliament: Part 1

-Employment alternatives and types of jobs in Parliament – staff of the administration, of the political party factions and personal staff of MPs

-Career tracks – secretarial, intermediate and professional staff and their division of labor

-Employment contracts and their pros and cons

-Required educational background of parliamentary professional staff and required personality features

-Promotion chances within Parliament and career opportunities for parliamentary professional staff outside of Parliament

-Further education and learning requirements

Mr. Florian Böger, Head of the office of a Member of the European Parliament

9.00 a.m.Q & A

9.30 a.m.Coffee break

9.45 a.m.Working experience as an advisor to a Member of Parliament: Part 2

-Status of MPs and their staff members and the relationship between the two

-Degree of independence and supervision of the work of professional parliament staff

-Political risks involved in the work of professional parliamentary staff and how to deal with them

-Useful contacts and networks for professional parliamentary staff within parliament and beyond (lobby institutions, research institutions, NGOs and others)

-Management and extension of the information base required for the work

Mr. Florian Böger, Head of the office of a Member of the European Parliament

10.15 a.m.Q & A

10.45 a.m.Working experience as an advisor to a Member of Parliament: Part 3

-A typical working day and working week

-Typical output of professional parliamentary staff and some explanation about work processes, sources used, and partners involved

1.briefing notes on draft laws and other parliamentary initiatives work

3.draft speeches of the time table

5.communication on behalf of the MP

Mr. Florian Böger, Head of the office of a Member of the European Parliament

11.15 a.m.Q & A

11.45 a.m.Closing ceremony

H.E. Oum Sarith, Secretary General of the Senate

12.00 noonEnd of Program

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Senate, Phnom Penh


  • Florian Böger
    • Head of the office of a Member of the European Parliament
  • Prof. Dr. Horst Posdorf
    • Wolfgang Meyer
      • KAF
    • Dr. habil. Jörg Menzel
      • CIM

    Wolfgang Meyer

    Leiter des Auslandsbüros in China (Beijing)

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