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Discussion on Organizing the work of a Parliamentary Group

Communication and coordination within the majority group and with the parliamentary minority

On 9th September KAS organizes a half-day Discussion on Parliamentary Group Organization.

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As indispensable instruments of the division of labour in parliament, groups perform functions of representation, integration, legitimation, recruitment and communication. The actual functioning of parliamentary groups is not primarily shaped vis-à-vis the parliament and the government, but rather in the formation of a governing majority and an opposition. Through effective communication between the two opposing parliamentary groups but also within each group, the parliamentary groups generate the most important prerequisite for a unified front and successful parliamentary work.

During this half-day Workshop, participants from the Cambodian People’s Party will be presented with the opportunity to discuss parliamentary group communication and coordination within the majority group. Further, participants will be able to discuss the challenges and opportunities of dialogue with the parliamentary minority.

Professor Grosse-Sender, former Secretary General of the State Parliament of North-Rhine Westphalia and Honorary Consul to Mongolia, will act as resource person and share his experiences from Germany.

The main objectives of this Workshop are:

a. )To share Cambodian and German experiences on effective parliamentary group communication and coordination

b.)To discuss ideas on how to strengthen “culture of dialogue” between the majority and minority group

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Phnom Penh


Saroeun Mom

Senior Programme Manager