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First Verdict in Khmer Rouge Tribunal


The verdict in Case File No. 001/18-07-2007-ECCC/TC concerning the Accused, KAING Guek Eav alias Duch, will be pronounced on Monday 26 July 2010 in the main courtroom of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).

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Press Release of ECCC; 25.05.2010:

The verdict in Case File No. 001/18-07-2007-ECCC/TC concerning the Accused, KAING Guek Eav alias Duch, will be pronounced on Monday 26 July 2010 in the main courtroom of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). The time of commencement of the hearing will be communicated in due course.

KAING Guek Eav chaired what is alleged to have been the headquarters of the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) Special Branch of the secret police (Santebal) “Office S21” (S21) during most of its existence between 1975-1979. He is accused of crimes against humanity and war crimes, as well as premeditated murder and torture pursuant to the 1956 Cambodian Penal Code.

KAING Guek Eav was detained and transferred to the ECCC Detention Centre on 30 July 2007. After an Initial Hearing on 17 and 18 February 2009, the trial on the substance commenced on 30 March and concluded on 27 November 2009. During the 77 days of trial, 9 expert witnesses, 17 fact witnesses, 7 character witnesses and 22 Civil Parties were heard before the Trial Chamber. More than 31,000 people followed the proceedings at the court building.

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ECCC Phnom Penh


  • Announcement under Courtesy of ECCC

    Rabea Brauer

    Rabea Brauer

    Head of the Brandenburg Political Education Forum and State Commissioner for Brandenburg +49 (0) 331 74 88 76-0
    Erstes Urteil im Khmer Rouge Tribunal

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