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KAS Cambodia Open Day 2022

An exciting opportunity to explore KAS Cambodia and its partners. An exhibition you should never miss.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Cambodia Open Day is an informal networking event for the public to have full access to KAS Cambodia and its partners’ initiatives and missions. KAS will introduce you to our 2022’s objectives including digitalization, sustainability, media and journalism, youth empowerment, Rule of law, and International affairs. Meanwhile, our partners will also have the opportunity to present their organizations’ projects and showcase their line of work and initiative.

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KAS Open Day KAS Cambodia
KAS Open Day

What is KAS Open Day? 

On this Open Day, you will experience a fun opportunity to learn about KAS Cambodia, scholarship to study in Germany, internship opportunity, as well as the engagement of our partnered institutions in Cambodia. You will find out more about which platform you can engage with KAS, those include KAS-Horizon(IR-Training Program), KAS-PEA (Political Education Training), KAS-FLY (KAS for Legal Youths Training Program), KAS Young Adenauer Scholars for Excellence (Scholarship and Capacity-Building), Young Journalist Traineeship Program, and different Internship opportunities in and outside Cambodia. 


Why should you join?

**General Participants will get to know about these various activities through informal networking, presentation, and booth exhibitions. Our partners will have one booth each to set up their organizations’ information-sharing space. 

The exhibition booth will include the German Embassy, DAAD German Academic Exchange, Department of Media and Communications (DMC, RUPP), Asian Vision Institute (AVI), Sour Muoy Consultation, Politikoffee (PK), Goethe-Institut, and the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP). 

Attention:  You will get a set of German sausage with drinks for free if you come early, only for the first 100 participants! 


How to join? 

We encourage you to register beforehand, please click here


Important Note: 

-We do not have parking space available at KAS Office. Therefore, we encourage you to come by Grab or PassApp or other public transportation. 

-As KAS is committed to sustainability please bring a personal water bottle with you. 


Contact Person:

Ms. Dy Sereyvoleak, Research officer of KAS Cambodia,





1:00 - 1:30pm

Participants Arrival, registration, get a German sausage voucher!  

Welcome to KAS Open Day 


Introductory Speech

By Dr. Daniel Schmücking, Country Director of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Cambodia 

Explore all KAS Opportunities

1:40- 1:50pm

“Explore all KAS opportunities”. Learn about KAS’s objectives and all of the opportunities that we offer such as our initiatives, internship, training programs, and more. 

by Mr. Lim Chhay, Program Officer of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Cambodia.


Scholarship to Study in Germany

1:50 -2:10pm 

Are you looking to pursue a higher degree in Germany? Do you know how to apply?

This is your chance to learn more information. Listen to sharing session by Mr. Chhayheng Soth, Program Officer of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Cambodia.


Meet with KAS Cambodia Country Director

2:20 - 2:40pm 

“Meet our Country Director”

Get to know our Country Director and his leadership as head of Cambodia Office. Ask him any questions you want, and learn more! 


“Study in Germany”, DAAD Scholarship

2:50 - 3:20pm 

“Study in Germany”. What are the available scholarships offered by DAAD? 

Learn from DAAD Representative about what, how, and why you should apply for DAAD Scholarship. 

“Get to know DMC”, Media and Journalism studies.

3:40 - 4:10pm 

“Get to know DMC”  Interested in pursuing a bachelor's degree in Media & Journalism at the Department of Media and Communications? Join this session to find out more!

A Fun Journey inside KAS Cambodia!

1:30 - 6:00pm 

“It’s Petanque Time” Ready for some fun yet challenging game? Petanque is Konrad Adenauer’s favorite sport. 


“Check the booths out” Still curious about KAS and our partners? Stop by our booths for free publications and our partners to learn about their line of works and projects.


AVI, CICP, DAAD, German Embassy, Politikoffee, DMC will be there to answer all of your questions!


“Taste the BRATWURST” The first 100 participants will receive a free Bratwurst, a delicious German sausage with baguette. 


“Share your memory with us” Take pictures at our photobooth and tag us on all social media platforms with the hashtag #KASopenday2022 #KAS4Inspiration #KASInspired 


“Who knows KAS the most?” It’s THREE participants with the highest score will receive prizes from KAS Cambodia. 

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Foundation Office Cambodia
House No. 4, Street 462 Khan Charmkar Mon, P.O. Box 944,
Phnom Penh
Zur Webseite



Sereyvoleak Dy

Dy Sereyvoleak

Program Manager

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AVI Logo Asian Vision Institute
Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP)
Logo des Department of Media & Communication (DMC) Department of Media & Communication (DMC)
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst