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Administrative Complaint Mechanisms in ASEAN


As the right to complain constitutes an important part of the legal protection of citizen against administrative measures, KAS Cambodia holds together with the KAS Rule of Law Programme Asia a 2-days workshop on effective complaint systems.


Discussion on Improving Complaint Mechanisms


In the terms of the Legal and Judicial Reform Strategy the implementation of effective forms of complaint mechanisms both on the national and sub-national level is of essential importance.


News Reporting on General Elections 2013


KAS organises in cooperation with the Club of Cambodian Journalists (CCJ) a five-day training, which objective is the strengthening of capacities of radio reporters.


Discussion on Promoting Good Practices of Local Governments in Cambodia


Local governments are crucial development actors. Over the last decades, many local governments in Cambodia have developed good local practices and projects.


Einnahmen und Budgetplanung kambodschanischer Gemeinden


In Zusammenarbeit mit der GIZ und CIM organisert die KAS auf Anfrage der 2. Kommission des Senats einen Workshop zu Fragen der Finanzierung lokaler Gebietskörperschaften.(Das Programm kann auf der englischen Seite eingesehen werden).


Revenue Collection and Budget Implementation at the Sub-national Level in Cambodia and Germany


KAS in cooperation with GIZ and CIM will organise a half day-workshop on subnational budget process in Cambodia and Germany. The objective of the Workshop is to identify ways to strengthen independent revenue collection at the local level in Cambodia


Safe to Speak: Securing Freedom of Expression in All Media

World Press Freedom Day 2013

In the context of the World Press Freedom Day 2013 KAS Cambodia organises a half-day event in cooperation with the UNESCO, UNHR, Club of Cambodian Journalists, Cambodia Communication Institute and the Department of Media and Communication.


How to attract Asia’s Y Generation for political participation and national development


The workshop is Organized by the Asia News Network (ANN) and the Cambodian Member of ANN Rasmei Kampuchea Daily with support of the Media Program Asia of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


Options for the Establishment of a Publisher Association in Cambodia


The KAS Cambodia Office and the Club of Cambodian Journalists invite representatives of the cambodian print media for a roundtable discussion.


Legal Analysis and Drafting Explanatory Notes


In terms of their cooperation with the National Assembly of Cambodia Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has invited Professor Dr. Große Sender for the third time in a row for a two-weeks visit to the country.

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Envato Elements

How To Do Transitional Justice?

Lessons learned from Cambodia's ECCC

Ten years after the establishment of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia, the ECCC, the transitional justice process seems to be at a turning point. The challenges for the media, the hybrid system of the court and contentious issue of reparations have challenged the court. Nevertheless, the trial will have marked as an essential role for Cambodia to learn in the country’s future.

Joint Statement of the KAS-ASEM Youth Summit

Strengthening Multilateralism for Shared Growth

The KAS-ASEM Youth Summit, organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Cambodia in support of the 13th ASEM Summit and Cambodian ASEM Chairmanship, is a public academic seminar where young students from Cambodia and other ASEM countries can join in a shared platform, exchange their ideas and advocate for a better world through their collective voice.

Report Launch on Path to Success: How Women-owned transform Businesses in the Era of Digitalization

KAS jointly conducted a research with Woomentum on the effects of digitalization on WSMEs’ (1) access to financing, (2) access to mentoring, networking, and skills, (3) business process and management, as well as (4) COVID-19 crisis management. Cambodia is one of the case studies among the four ASEAN countries. In order to launch this research publication, we are organizing a panel discussion on female entrepreneurs and digitalization in Cambodia having guest speakers from different walks of life.

Women in Journalism

Stories of Inspiring Female Journalists in Cambodia

Female journalists play a crucial in bringing forth underreported stories in society. Most of the time, they present out-of-the-box perspectives and angles into a number of important stories that their male colleagues often miss out on and empower other women’s voices to speak up about their concerns.

Digital Launching on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development in Southeast Asia

Challenges, Cooperation and Development Models

Against the backdrop of urgent needs at the national, regional and global levels for sustainable development based on clean and renewable sources of energy, this book volume is a collection of policy-oriented research papers published with the intention to raise awareness and stimulate policy interests in renewable energy and approaches to sustainable development.

Cambodia 2040

The Book Launch Events

What does it mean to be a Cambodian? This question holds considerable significance for the kingdom of a 16 million strong population. Is it the identity, culture, and legacy rooted in the history and splendor of Angkor? Or is it instead tethered to be the brutality of the Khmer Rouge regime? Over the past 20 years, Cambodia has been on the path from the failed state of the 1970s genocide to a growing low-middle-income country in the world. Cambodia 2040 is a book series in cooperation with Future Forum that gathers the critical foresight of respected experts on all issues Cambodian on what the kingdom will look like in 2040. The series consists of three separate volumes, containing economic development, culture and society, as well as international relations and governance respectively.


5th German-Asian Business Dialogue

The Future Of The International Order Is Decided In Asia

German-Asian cooperation possesses abundant potential for maintaining the rules-based international order and keeping global trade routes open – requirements for both regions’ prosperity. Which challenges are governments and businesses in the Indo-Pacific and Germany facing under Covid-19? What lessons have been learned?

Waste Summit 2019

Smart waste business models and innovations for a clean Cambodia!

If you’re buying a meal in Cambodia to takeaway you can expect to get a plastic box with food in it, a plastic set of cutleries all packed up in a plastic bag. Your drink is going to be in a plastic cup with a plastic straw which is wrapped in plastic. But that’s still not it, the plastic cup will be put in another small plastic bag for you to hold. So, it seems quite logical, that an average Cambodian household uses 12 plastic bags a day, doesn’t it? Almost half of them will be burnt later and the rest ends up in the sea. With one of the fastest growing economy and a growing consumer market, Cambodia is generating significant amounts of waste. Phnom Penh alone already produces 3000 tons of garbage per day and the issue of waste will be more important every day. The landfills are being filled up more and more and manmade waste mountains will be the norm. But as technologies are getting more and more advanced, many start-ups are coming up with new innovative ideas to counteract.

German-Cambodian Journalism Training

Mobile Journalism Masterclass in Phnom Penh

KAS Cambodia organized a ten day training program on mobile journalism with eight German and eight Cambodian participants in Phnom Penh.

Die Zukunft der Abfallwirtschaft

Potentiale der Digitalisierung

Der Veranstaltungsbericht bietet einen Überblick über die Veranstaltung The Future of Waste Management - Seizing the Potential of Digitalization.

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