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Call for Researcher/Assistant Researcher

In line with our aim to shape and rethink public policies for security in Lebanon and the region, the M.E. Institute for Research & Strategic Studies and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation are looking for a researcher or assistant researcher for a publication on “Squaring the circle of the Lebanese-Syrian borders issue, a utopy?”

Asset Publisher

The ideal profile would be a candidate with strong research background in the fields of political science, public policy, or international public law. The paper will be a comprehensive study that covers all aspects of the topic: the legal framework, the socio-economic aspect, as well as the political/geopolitical background. The overall objective of the work is to keep on raising awareness on the vital issue for Lebanon to delimitate its maritime and land borders with Syria.

The research will be conducted from July to Mid-September 2021, preferably in English, optionally in Arabic.


Apply by sending in the following documents in English language to "":


  • CV
  • A concise cover letter explaining why you are fit to lead/assist on the research (250 words)
  • A recent publication you authored or co-authored


Renumeration depends on seniority/experience and will be decided individually.

Application deadline is the 4th of July.

Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher