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Expert conference

Conference on "The Syrian Refugee Crisis"

Refugee politics in receiving countries and impacts on refugees and host societies

In cooperation with the Lebanese American University (LAU), the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is organizing a conference on the topic of: The Syrian Refugees - Refugee Politics in Receiving Countries and Impacts on Refugees and Host Societies.

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More than 3 millions Syrians have fled to neighboring countries since 2011 due to the civil war, and more than 6 millions are internally displaced within Syrian borders. The situation of the refugees are extremely vulnerable and yet the end of the crisis is not in sight. Several of the hosting countries such as Syria, Jordan and Turkey bear the brunt of it and are currently facing serious problems in regards to their resources and societies. Many are increasingly unable to deal with the consequences of the crisis, which often also lead to tensions on the national level. Also countries such as Germany, Sweden and Australia, which have welcomed in a number of Syrian refugees, are bound to face these new set of challenges.

The conference brings together international experts and aims dealing with not only the economic and social aspects of the crisis, but also with the political issues in particular, the handling of the refugee crisis and to analyze the impact of the crisis on the receiving countries. The historical experience of Germany with such crises, as the one at the end of the 2nd World War and also in the Nineties, as well as contributions from other main hosting countries will be presented and discussed further. Possible solutions and recommendations should be crystalized during the conference, which will help to face the challenges of the crisis and leads to a better handling of refugees in the future.

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Peter Rimmele


Hana Nasser

LAU conference KAS Beirut
LAU conference KAS Beirut
LAU conference KAS Beirut

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