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Lebanon's Economic Crisis: Expectations & Potential Solutions

Thoughts and Talks for a Better Lebanon

Online interactive workshop by I Have Learned Academy in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Lebanon Office.

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Lebanon's Economic Crisis: Expectations & Potential Solutions

In this session we will discuss:


  • Lebanon’s economic crisis: A tragedy in the making
  • Why the country is in crisis?
  • How did we get here? What is being done?
  • Where do we go from here?
  • Predicting how the crisis evolves from here is difficult: different scenarios.
  • Ambition for a better future must guide the necessary adjustment
  • Financial stabilization and structural adjustment will be challenging
  • Solving complex intertwined problems/ calibrating policy instruments to Lebanese specifics.
  • Structural adjustment in public finance
  • Restructuration of the financial sector (banks / BDL)
  • A consolidation of the banking sector is certainly needed.)- Outsourcing certain public services and privatizing assets
  • Clarification of monetary strategy and bank oversight should help to restore confidence
  • Exchange rate management
  • Tasks of the next government (reforms, IMF, Negotiations with Bonds Holders, debt restructuring)
  • Lebanon’s Economic Crisis Explodes, Threatening Decades of Prosperity
  • Prolonged crisis of governance, bad planning, corruption …

Speaker: Maurice Matta, Head of the Economy Department at Annahar Newspaper and Media Group in Lebanon.

Moderator: Randa Farah, Founder & Manager of & I Have Learned Academy, University Instructor

Booking information

Tickets are free, but booking is a must!

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Dania Ismaiel

Dania Ismaiel

Project Manager +961 (0)1 388 095/6

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Asset Publisher