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Event Reports

Rebuild Beirut

How to fight against corruption on repair works?

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in collaboration with the Robert Schuman Institute (RSI) carried out a digital seminar on “Rebuild Beirut: How to fight against corruption on repair works?” on the 13th and 16th of October 2020.

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In August 2020, Beirut was hit with a huge blast, where hundreds of people died and large part of the infrastructure was destroyed in the capital. The reconstruction works have already started and it’s important to monitor these projects to check the public spending.  

Therefore, 2 trainers from the Anti-Corruption Headquarters organisation in Ukraine were invited to help increase the level of knowledge of Lebanese political representatives about ways to exercise civic control and to fight corruption on Beirut repair works with the example of Map of Repairs in Ukraine.

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Dania Ismaiel

Dania Ismaiel

Project Manager +961 (0)1 388 095/6


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