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Event Reports

Strategy 4.0: The Revival of Lebanon's Economy

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Kataeb Party organized an open expert meeting on traffic and public transportation on the 31st of October 2017.

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The Lebanese economy is still suffering from the negative effects of the political and military unrests of the recent decades. An economic vision and a policy of economic revival are either not present or ineffective. Furthermore Lebanon lacks modern laws to develop the administration and make the private sector more competitive and the administration is accused of inefficiency and corruption. Governments are continuing to exhaust the financial capacity of the country, with the debt ratio reaching 145% in 2016 and the budget deficit exceeding 9.5% of GDP.

The conference, organized by the Kataeb Party and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, was the third of a total of four meetings on the issue of reviving and strengthening the Lebanese economy. While the first two conferences focused on the accession of Lebanon to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and rural development and decentralization of the country, the third conference was all about traffic and public transportation. The fourth conference will deal with the issue of vocational training.

The aim of the four conferences is the development of visions and approaches to a national economic policy which promotes private initiatives and fosters the Lebanese economy. These objectives should be achieved in particular through improved economic conditions, greater competitiveness, better infrastructure and the reform of the public sector.

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