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Praxis 2023

Advancing Malaysia’s strategic interests

PRAXIS is ISIS Malaysia’s flagship conference directed at policymakers and decision-makers. Its central tenet is translating theory and knowledge into practice. We do this by shaping and developing better policy ideas towards actionable solutions.

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PRAXIS 2023 - Register Now!

This year’s theme, Advancing Malaysia’s Strategic Interests, explores the unprecedented challenges that our nation faces as we commemorate the 60th anniversary of its formation.

As an open trading economy, Malaysia must meet these challenges to safeguard itself. PRAXIS 2023 delves into four pressing challenges to nation-building, development and wellbeing, including food security, the care economy, semiconductor industry and climate resilience. Join us and be part of the policymaking process.


For further information, programme updates and registration, please visit: PRAXIS 2023

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Hilton Kuala Lumpur, 3 Jalan Stesen Sentral, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur


Miriam Fischer

Miriam Fischer

Resident Representative Malaysia +603 7660 4408 / +603 7660 4409

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Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia