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Asset Publisher

Digital Culture in South East Europe

The rapid developments in the area of information and communication technologies influence societies more than any other innovation nowadays.

Recommendations for war reporters

Experts formulate guidelines on KAS invitation

Media experts and war reporters from Great Britain, Germany and South East Europe have presented a series of recommendations for investigative journalists in zones of conflict.

Summer School of Investigative Reporting 2015

Call for applications open

The call for applications for the Summer School of Investigative Reporting 2015 has started. The seminar will take place from 23 until 29 August in Durres, Albania. Host organisations are the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network(BIRN) and the Media Program South East Europe of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

Discussion: Media Transparency in Eastern Europe

Christian Spahr, Head of the KAS Media Program South East Europe, discussed media transparency with Boris Bergant, adviser of the European Broadcasting Union, Maria Stoyanova from the Bulgarian Council for Electronic Media and the Greek media expert Dr. George Tzogopoulos at Medientreffpunkt Mitteldeutschland on 6 May. The panel was moderated by Prof. Dr. Günther von Lojewski.

Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism 2015

Call for proposals is open

The Central European Initiative (CEI) and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), in special partnership with the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), have opened the Call for Applications 2015 of the CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism. The Call is divided into two categories: "Professional journalists" (4.000 EUR) and "Young professional journalists" (1.000 EUR).

South East Europe in new press freedom ranking: Croatia enhances its position, Moldova deteriorates

Spahr: "In many countries, media suffer from crisis of confidence"

According to the latest ranking by the non-governmental organisation "Reporters Without Borders" (RWB), South East Europe lacks progress in terms of media freedom. The best development in 2014 was identified in Croatia. The strongest deterioration of media freedom was observed in the Republic of Moldova. Among the Balkan countries, Romania achieved the overall best score (52 of 180 worldwide) and Macedonia the worst (117).

Interview: Scepticism in Bulgarian media continues

KAS expert Christian Spahr: "There is no true dialogue between media stakeholders"

The Media Program South East Europe of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) presented its first representative opinion poll on confidence of the Bulgarians in the media in 2014. According to a new survey, the trust of Bulgarian citizens in their media has barely increased. Still, very few Bulgarians believe in real freedom of media.

New website "Voice of the Balkans" on media freedom in South East Europe

The outcome of the "Balkan Multimedia" project for young journalists from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, France and Germany is available right away on the website "Voice of the Balkans".

Interview: Media freedom in Bulgaria at risk

The Head of the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Christian Spahr, commented in an interview for the West German Broadcasting’s radio station WDR5 the state of media freedom in Bulgaria.

Victor Cozmei awarded for reporting on justice

KAS supports Romanian contest TJA

The Head of KAS Media Program South East Europe, Christian Spahr, has granted the Award "The Young Journalist of the Year" (TJA) to the journalist Victor Cozmei from during a gala on 26 November in Bucharest.