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IV South East Europe Media Forum

Since 2007, the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation has been organizing a Media Forum in cooperation with the WAZ Mediagroup and SEEMO, the South East Europe Media Organization.

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This year’s conference will take place on Dec. 2/3 in Budapest and deal particularly with the topic of access to information. Although the right of access to information is enshrined in all countries in South East Europe, journalists are often not aware of it as a tool in their investigations. The South East Europe Media Forum has evolved into one of the major media events in South East Europe. It aims primarily at strengthening exchange and networking among media executives and leading journalists in the region.

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Budapest, Hungary


IV. South East Europe Media Forum: Regionale Medienkonferenz in Budapest
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Matthias Barner

Matthias Barner bild

Director United Kingdom and Ireland +44 20 783441-19