Asset Publisher

Expert conference

Media and Politics in Bulgaria

Presentation and Public Discussion

Asset Publisher


The Media Programme South East Europe of "Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung" (KAS) kindly invites you to a public conference on media and politics in Bulgaria.

A representative opinion poll about public perceptions on media and foreign affairs will be presented. The results will be a topic of a following panel discussion with:

  • Neli Dineva, Researcher, Alpha Research, Sofia
  • Irina Nedeva, Chairperson of the Association of the European Journalists, Sofia
  • Orlin Spassov, Еxecutive Director, Foundation Media Democracy, Sofia
  • Hendrik Sittig, Head of KAS Media Programme South East Europe

Languages of the event are German and Bulgarian.

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Grand Hotel Sofia (ul. "General Yosif V. Gourko" 1, 1000 Sofia)