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POLITICAL COMMUNICATION for young leaders in the Republic of Macedonia

The Mediaprogram of KAS and the Eduardo Frei Foundation organize from 18 to 20 May 2007 in Veles, Macedonia the first training seminar for young leaders in the Republic of Macedonia.

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Friday, 18 Mai 2007

17:00-17:30 Uhr Opening of the seminar

Opening of the seminar:

Mr Ulrich Kleppmann, Konrad Adenauer Foundation-Skopje Office

Mr. Rijk van Ark, Eduardo Frei Foundation

Mr. Klaas Jan de Vries, Eduardo Frei Foundation

17.30-17.45 Uhr Coffee break

17.45-19.00 Uhr Basic values of the right-wing political ideology (Right wing and Christian democratic values as a party ideology; CDU, CDA… EPP - Family of the Right wing parties

Ulrich Kleppmann, Konrad Adenauer Foundation-Skopje Office

19.00Uhr Dinner

Saturday, 19 Mai 2007

09:00-10:30 Uhr Theory of political communication: Importance of political mediatisation - communication with press and media

Mr. Rijk van Ark & Mr. Klaas Jan de Vries, Eduardo Frei Foundation-Netherlands

10.30-11.00 Uhr Coffee break

11.00-12.30 Uhr Development and usage of political communication and communication strategies in the Netherlands and Germany (Practical examples)

Mr. Rijk van Ark & Mr. Klaas Jan de Vries, Eduardo Frei Foundation-Netherlands

Dr. Dirk Foerger, Director of Regional Media Program of KAS-Sofia

12:30-13:30 Uhr Lunch

13:30-15.00 Uhr Internal and External Communication of the Party

Mr. Rijk van Ark & Mr. Klaas Jan de Vries, Eduardo Frei Foundation-Netherlands

15.00-15.30 Uhr Coffee Break

15.30-16.30 Uhr Importance of external political communication– ex. Lobbying and press conference

Mr. Rijk van Ark & Mr. Klaas Jan de Vries, Eduardo Frei Foundation-Netherlands

16.30-16.45 Uhr Break

16.45-18:00 Uhr Workshop: How to deal with the press face to face on a press conference?

Mr. Rijk van Ark & Mr. Klaas Jan de Vries, Eduardo Frei Foundation-Netherlands

19.00Uhr Dinner

Sunday, 20 Mai 2007

09:00-10:00 Uhr Introduction to basic skills of public speech and rhetoric

Dr. Dirk Foerger, Director of Regional Media Program of KAS-Sofia

10.00-10.30 Uhr Coffee break

10.30-12.00 Uhr Workshop: Public speech & Rhetoric

Dr. Dirk Foerger, Director of Regional Media Program of KAS-Sofia

12:00-13:00 Uhr Lunch

13:00-14:00 Uhr Closing remarks/Evaluation and conclusions


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Veles, Hotel "Romantik"


  • Dr. Dirk Förger - Director of Regional Media Program of KAS-Sofia
    • Ulrich Kleppmann - KAS Skopije
      • Rijk van Ark - Eduardo Frei Foundation-Netherlands
        • Klaas Jan de Vries - Eduardo Frei Foundation-Netherlands

          Dr Dirk Förger