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Expert conference

South East Europe Government Communication Conference (SEECOM)

The Media Program South East Europe of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) will host the annual SEECOM conference for government spokespersons with focus on "Beyond geography: Europeans in search of shared identity".

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Co-host is SEECOM, the first European professional association for public sector communicators.

The conference seeks to offer public communication perspectives and dialogue-driven solutions to a number of issues affecting the region of South East Europe and Europe as a whole.

The event will be opened by Ognian Zlatev, SEECOM Chairman and Head of the EC Representation in Bulgaria and Hendrik Sittig, Head of the KAS Media Program South East Europe.

The participants in the conference, senior public sector communication officials from up to 13 countries of South East Europe, EU officials and some of Europe’s leading public sector communicators and communication experts will debate on the topics of citizen engagement, better citizen dialogue, EU enlargement, shared European identity, and others.

For registration and further information please contact or +359 2 94249-71

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Darija Fabijanić

Darija Fabijanić bild

Research Associate, Project Coordinator +359 2 94249-73 +359 2 94249-79