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Expert conference

XII. South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF)

The KAS Media Program South East Europe invites media executives and journalists to the XII. South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF). Co-hosts are the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) and the Central European Initiative (CEI).

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The theme of this year's SEEMF is "Thinking out of the box: more profitability and transparency in the media market". Discussions will cover the media and politics in Albania, free media reporting and potential remedies against disinformation and propaganda. A session will also be dedicated to the sustainability of the media outlets.

During the opening ceremony, the "CEI SEEMO Award for Investigative Journalism" will be granted.

The SEEMF has been organised annually since 2007 und is nowadays the biggest media event in South East Europe. Previous forums took place in Sofia (2017), Belgrade (2016), Bucharest (2015), Skopje (2014), Sarajevo (2013), Budva (2012), Belgrade (2011), Budapest (2010), Tirana (2009), Sofia (2008) and Zagreb (2007).

More information about SEEMF here.

Follow SEEMF and the KAS Media Program South East Europe on Twitter: @SEEMF_MEDIA and @KASmediaSEE

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