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Event Reports

Recognising the public’s wishes is goal for government PR experts

by Christian Spahr, Dr. Vladimir Zlatarsky
Government press representatives from all over Europe met for the third time at communications conference of the SEECOM association.

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"SEECOM" has become a byword for press relations officers of governments and public authorities – it stands for one of their most important specialist conferences and the professional association of the same name, founded in 2013. More than 50 high-ranking political communicators met at the invitation of SEECOM and KAS for the 2014 SEECOM Conference in Budva, Montenegro.

Don’t just talk, provide a service – this would be a free translation of the central theme running through the contributions of the SEECOM 2014. The motto was "Communication of Deeds": public relations activity of governments should not be about the declaration of intentions but concrete services for the public. The press representatives of governments and public authorities from 13 countries addressed themselves to this goal on 26th and 27th September.

In opening the two-day conference, keynote speaker Alexander Aiken, the Executive Director for Government Communications of the United Kingdom, provided an insight into the attitude taken by his Department: "Communication strengthens democracy. Used wisely it improves lives. Abusing it weakens society. Great communication starts with credible advice."

According to Aiken, government spokespersons have to address the concerns of the public in their own terms instead of simply explaining the activity of the Cabinet. In addition, internal communication and PR coordination within government authorities is essential for success. In both respects, discussion with Aiken concluded, there are still deficiencies in many countries.

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