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Michele Pasquale

Single title

Political Party Cooperation in Third Countries - Key Elements of Effective EU Democracy Promotion

by Denis Schrey

Peter Köppinger, International Consultant

The MDPD paper sets the frame of how the EU can organize its cooperation with political parties and shall initiate further discussion on the topic.

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☑️ The careful and differentiated engagement of the EU with political parties is not risk free but offers opportunities for promoting constructive partnerships in the areas of peace and security, climate change and disaster prevention, the management of migration, or other thematic fields. Political parties are the key channels through which future leaders develop both their understanding of policies and original ideas. Through political party cooperation programs, the EU and European stakeholders develop trusting and supportive relationships with future political leaders, independent from the ruling government and any potential political changes.


☑️ The Multinational Development Policy Dialogue KAS Brussels is happy to share with you the first #MDPD Paper. An orientation for EU-Delegations on when and how to engage in political party cooperation in different countries, but also strategies for European and third country stakeholders interested in engaging in activities within the framework of EU political party cooperation.

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