Fazilitatoren der informellen Unterarbeitsgruppen zu ausgewählten Artikeln eines Pandemieabkommens - Multilateral Dialogue Geneva
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Map of the Month
Fazilitatoren der informellen Unterarbeitsgruppen zu ausgewählten Artikeln eines Pandemieabkommens
Dr. Anja Maria Rittner
Map of the Month 12/2023
Controversial elements in the negotiation of a pandemic agreement are discussed in four thematic sub-working groups. All WHO regions are involved in the facilitation of the sub-working groups: (1) the African region: Ethiopia, South Africa and Tanzania; (2) the Americas region: Canada, USA and Brazil; (3) the South-East Asia region: India and Thailand; (4) the European region: Norway and the United Kingdom, (5) the Eastern Mediterranean region: Egypt and (6) the Western Pacific region: Australia, Japan, Malaysia and the Philippines. Each is chaired by a member of the INB office.