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Adobe Stock / nikkimeel

Is politics worthwhile on TikTok?

Empirical Study on the Use of TikTok and Political Information on the Platform

TikTok is widespread and popular among young people. A qualitative study by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung explores how young individuals use the app and navigate political information on it. TikTok is primarily an entertainment app where political information is accepted mainly in the form of entertainment. The study discusses whether and in what ways political actors and political education can utilize the platform.

memento_jpeg/ Adobe Stock

The quality of early childhood education is what counts

Pedagogical quality of early childhood education as central factor for educational equality

In recent years, early childhood education has experienced a strong quantitative expansion, which must be continued. The pedagogical quality of early childhood education is central to children's development and their further educational progress. It is a decisive factor for educational equality that can be controlled by educational policy. A monitoring system for the collection and evaluation of current data is necessary in order to shape educational policy, the actions of the institutions and the pedagogical work on site in an even more targeted and empirically sound manner.

Adobe Stock/ NicoElNino

The European Union – A Global Player on Shaky Foundations

Results of the Panorama-Analysis 2023

The Panorama-Analysis 2023 provides a comprehensive insight into the current development of the European Union (EU) and its environment in a year-on-year comparison. The analysis presents a multithematic assessment of the current situation in the areas of innovation and competitiveness, the European policy orientation of the member states and the global environment. By using qualitative and quantitative indicators, the analysis provides sound insights into current trends and developments.

IMAGO / Christian Ohde

No state, my rules

Representative survey on the prevalence of Reichsbürger-affine attitudes in the German population

Our study shows how widespread a closeness to the ideas of the so-called Reich Citizens movement is among the German population and what characterises the group of people who have an affinity to the Reich Citizens. How is the acceptance of state rules and to what extent is violence accepted? Which party supporters stand out? The analysis of representative survey data and qualitative in-depth interviews shed light on these questions.

Unsplash / Kenneth Sørensen

Women, men and hardly any differences?

A representative survey on participation and representation of women in Germany

Our study examines perceptions of gender equality, role models and stereotypes in a representative survey. While there are hardly any differences between the attitudes of men and women, the youngest age group of 18- to 35-year-olds stands out. The results allow classifications, comparisons and conclusions on strengthening women's participation and representation.

Reuters / Viacheslav Ratynskyi

Victory? Stalemate? Escalation?

Possible developments of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine by 24 February 2024

Ukrainians are fighting for a future in peace and freedom. This also affects us, because what we do or don't do today has a direct impact on the people of Ukraine, on security in Europe and on the international order. For the sake of being better prepared for possible developments in the course of the war, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has devised four scenarios together with experts from 13 European countries.

REUTERS / Kai Pfaffenbach

Urteilsverkündung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts

Statement unseres Vorsitzenden Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat am 22. Februar 2023 sein Urteil in Sachen „Desiderius-Erasmus-Stiftung“ verkündet. Bei dem Verfahren ging es um die Frage, ob die AfD als Partei durch die bisher nicht gewährte staatliche Finanzierung der ihr nahestehenden Stiftung in ihrem Recht auf Chancengleichheit im Parteienwettbewerb verletzt ist. Vitalij

Bias in journalism – the more equal the better?

Media bias: The journalistic profession is homogeneously occupied; is this noticeable in the end product or in the audience's perception?

A significant part of the political spectrum in the population does not see itself represented in professional journalism; this can lead consumers to so-called "alternative media" and polarising providers. Journalistic newsrooms therefore need more diversity of perspective, not only on gender and origin, but also on different (political) worldviews.

REUTERS / Pascal Rossignol

Energy Mix in Germany

Gas and nuclear energy accepted as a temporary solution

Due to developments in the energy market, the question of what energy mix Germans prefer until energy demand can be met by renewable energy is being raised again. The hierarchy is clear. Half of the Germans consider gas suitable for intermediate use. In the case of nuclear energy, 44% advocate its use until renewable energies can cover energy demand. Coal, on the other hand, is considered suitable for intermediate use by only a minority. 25% believe that coal should be used more or equally in the future.

REUTERS / Paul Lorgerie

Die Bundeswehr zieht nach Niger – ein neues Sicherheitsvakuum in Mali?

Deutschland will bis Mai 2024 den Bundeswehr-Einsatz in Mali beenden und stattdessen sein militärisches Engagement im Nachbarstaat Niger ausbauen, das ebenfalls mit Instabilität und Dschihadisten kämpft. Die lange Abzugszeit ist zugleich ein Angebot an Malis Militärmachthaber, sich noch einmal zu überlegen, ob sie wirklich voll auf eine Kooperation mit Russland setzen – oder sich wieder kooperativer gegenüber dem Westen zeigen. Die Regierung in Bamako hatte den Einsatz einer Blauhelm-Mission, zu der die Bundeswehr gehört, in jüngster Zeit immer mehr behindert, so dass neben Deutschland auch Großbritannien und andere Staaten die Reißleine zogen.

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Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

Facts and Findings

Selected contributions to the series with international relevance

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


Current Contemporary History

Nicht selten bedürfen aktuelle Debatten zeitgeschichtlicher Fundierung. Das Wissen um die Ursprünge und Hintergründe von Konflikten ermöglicht auch ein besseres Abwägen und Entscheiden. Vor diesem Hintergrund besteht gerade in der Politik ein großer Bedarf an Orientierung. Dabei möchte die Abteilung Zeitgeschichte unterstützen. Mit der Publikationsreihe „Zeitgeschichte AKTUELL“ werden aktuelle Diskurse identifiziert und die historischen Hintergründe und Zusammenhänge erläutert.


Concise, reduced to the essentials, but always highly topical. In our series "kurzum", our experts summarise an issue or problem on a maximum of two pages.

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