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Event Reports

KAS publishes Namibian Constitution in Oshiwambo

The Namibian Constitution can now be downloaded or picked up at the KAS Office in Oshiwambo language

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The Constitution is one of the most important legal documents of any democratic nation. It stipulates the basic human rights of the citizens as well as their civic rights and duties. Therefore, and in order for the fostering of a living and participatory democracy, it is crucial that every citizen knows and understands his or her constitution. However, language barriers can pose a serious threat to its deeper understanding and implementation in day-to-day life.

Therefore, KAS Namibia-Angola engages itself in the translation of the Namibian Constitution into various local languages. KAS already offers the constitution in German and English. From this week onwards, the foundation also offers an Oshiwambo version, which can either be downloaded for free or be picked up as hard copy in our office.

The constitution will soon also be available in Afrikaans. A translation into Otjiherero and Nama/Damara as well as Khoisan is planned for the near future.

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