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Investing in Peace in the ARMM


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The Center for Autonomy and Governance and the Office of the Speaker, Regional Legislative Assembly (RLA) with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Knowledge for Development Center-World Bank cordially invite you or your organization’s representative to a roundtable discussion on Investing in Peace in the ARMM.

This session will seek answers to the following questions:

To what extent are peace and development programs of aid organizations address the root causes of the persisting armed rebellion and violence in the areas of autonomy? How do these programs strengthen the ARMM as a primary institution for peace and development? What are the assumptions/ premises of aid institutions in their interventions in the ARMM? What can the RLA contribute to insure higher yield of returns on investments for peace in the ARMM? What are the legislations aid organizations consider as important and necessary to insure the successful outcomes of their ARMM programs?

This roundtable is part of the series of frank, open and no-holds-barred sessions we convene where ARMM legislators and stakeholders in the region engage in a constructive dialogue on crucial issues affecting the ARMM. The output of this discussion will be utilized to help build capacities of the RLA as the highest policy-making body of the ARMM.

For inquiries or confirm your attendance please contact Felipe Parba of KAF at (632) 894-3427 or Benny Bacani of Notre Dame University at (064) 421-2654 loc 321 or e-mail him at

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Tanghalang Michael Clark, Nepomuceno Building, Notre Dame University, Cotabato City


Klaus Preschle