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Asset Publisher

Young Leaders' Forum

Vision Asia: Imagine ... 2015

Young Leaders from all over Asia discussed about future aspects of Asia in politics, economics, media, arts and culture. Two days of highly qualified lectures, e.g. from His Excellency Tan Sri Musa Hitam, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, on the political future of this region, and intense discussions casting a light on the expectations, hopes and fears of Young Leaders for their respective countries and thus, the region are summarized in this book.Das Booklet steht auch als zur Verfügung.

Islam and Democracy

The Southeast Asian Experience

Panorama 2/2004

Published as part of the Regional Programme of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Southeast Asia office, Panorama is a journal on Southeast Asian and European Affairs. Contents: • Idealist perspectives in the Lisbon Proceedings of the EUASEAN+3 Think Tank Dialogue: Completing the Triangle -- Prepared by Yeo Lay Hwee and Willem van der Geest • Political Succession in Asia: Continuity or Change? -- Carolina G. Hernandez • Political Succession in Indonesia and Southeast Asia: Cosmetic Changes, Dextrous Adjustments -- François Raillon • The Challenges of Global Terrorism: A Joint Agenda for Asia, EU and US -- Mohamed Jawhar Hassan • The Challenges of Global Terrorism: A U.S. Perspective -- Angel M. Rabasa • The Rise of China and its Implications on the ASEAN-EUAmerica Triangle Relations -- You Ji • Changing Security and Political Environments of the Korean Peninsula: Bottleneck or Opening for New Asia? -- Chung-Si Ahn

Civil Society in Southeast Asia

This publication which was edited by Lee Hock Guan grew out of the workshop Civil Society in Southeast Asia, organized by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) and held in Singapore in November 2001. Financial support for the workshop came from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. The workshop focused on the question: what is the relevance of civil society to people empowerment, effective governance, and deepening democracy int the Region? This book addresses this question by examining the activities and public participation of NGOs in the areas of religion, ethnicity, gender and the environment.

Cross-Pacific Economic Integration

East and Southeast Asia on one hand, and Latin America on the other, are two continents that are miles apart. The distance is not only geographic but also political, cultural and economic. Direct trade between these two continents is minimal compared to that with Europe and the US. Nonetheless, the quantum improvements in transport, telecommunications and information technologies may usher in the age of Cross Pacific Trade.This publication contains papers presented at the first Cross-Pacific Economic Integration Workshop which was held in Singapore at 22 August 2003 in support of initiatives of the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC).

Panorama 1/2004

EU-ASEAN Political and Security Dialogue at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Prospects for Interregional Cooperation on International Terrorism by Frank Umbach; Is there a Convergence of East Asian Countries' Foreign Policies? The case towards Europe by Cesar de Prado Yepes; Re-Negotiating the "Contrat Social": Institution-Building, Reforms, Democracy, Development and Stability in Southeast Asia by Eric Teo Chu Cheow; Is there an Asianisation of Asia? The New Millennium in Asia and the Identity Debate by Manfred Mols

Social Justice in East and Southeast Asia

This volume is a collection of the papers presented during the 11th international conference of the East and Southeast Asia Network for Better Local Governments (ESEA) held on 3 - 4 December 2003, in Manila, Philippines. Jointly organised by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Singapore and the Local Government Development Foundation (LOGODEF), the conference focused on Social Justice in East and Southeast Asia in the countries that participated in the conference, namely Cambodia, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Present Status and Future Development of Constitutional Jurisdiction in Asia

First Regional Seminary of Asian Constitutional Court Judges 2003

This publication is a collection of papers presented during the first ever Regional Seminary of Asian Constitutional Court Judges held in Jakarta, Indonesia from 8-9 September 2003. The contributors to this volume include Justices, Professors and Members of Constitutional Jursidiction bodies in Indonesia, Korea, Mongolia, Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines, all of whom provided an insight into the workings of Constitutional Jurisdication in each country. The appendices also provides further information on the jurisdiction, provisions and procedures of the Constitutional Courts of each of the participating Asian countries.

Panorama 2/2003

Published as part of the Regional Programme of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Southeast Asia office, Panorama is a journal on Southeast Asian and European Affairs. Contents:•Proceedings of the 5th EU-ASEAN Think Tank Dialogue -- Prepared by Yeo Lay Hwee, Chang Li Lin and Plamen Tonchev•Marking the Passage to Southeast Asian Economic Community in the Vastness of Globalisation -- Djisman S. Simandjuntak •Political and Security Cooperation within ASEAN: Increased Opportunity for EU’s Participation -- Carolina G. Hernandez•The European Convention and Enlargement: Opportunities for ASEAN – Jürgen Rüland•EU-ASEAN Relations: A Frustrated Partnership -- Dick Gupwell

Panorama 1/2003

Published as part of the Regional Programme of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Southeast Asia office, Panorama is a journal on Southeast Asian and European Affairs.