Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Digital economy: Four big shifts that could change our world


The digital economy materialises in several ways. High value innovations occur not just within services or platforms, but across them. Rapid technological change means that businesses and workers are constantly adapting. Lifestyles are similarly evolving to reap the benefits (or suffer the consequences) that technology brings. The conveniences of the digital economy also bring security issues and new forms of crime.

Political Change

Panorama Insights into Asian and European Affairs

In recent years, domestic politics in both Europe and Asia have arguably become less predictable and prone to sudden, unexpected changes. Although domestic volatility is not a new phenomenon in either region, contemporary drivers are analogous and may be a reflection of a new era, with significant implications for both domestic and foreign policies.

Multilateralism In A Changing World Order

"Multilateralism In A Changing World Order" sheds light on how different forms and patterns of multilateralism are evolving in the current international order. Experts from across Asia and Europe examine “multilateralism at work” and deliberate on what kind of multilateral collaboration can be expected in selected policy fields.

Security Architectures under Threat: The Status of Multilateral Fora

Panorama Insights into Asian and European Affairs

In this issue of our biannual journal Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs, the papers provide an insight into the current security landscape in the context of the new global security challenges. Based on analyses of the different threats and dynamics, the papers also look at ways to strengthen cooperative security arrangements. They argue that such collaborative initiatives are ultimately the most promising avenues to contain the transnational insecurities and build trust in order to develop a regional security architecture that will ensure regional stability and peace.

Activities Report 2017

We are pleased to present you our activities of the year 2017. It provides an overview of the topics we worked on, our publications and the various dialogues we have organized in the year.

Urban ASEAN?

By Maria Elisabeth Höwer

“The 21st century will be urban”: since 2009 the biggest part of the world’s population concentrates in urban areas. Southeast Asia has seen significant urbanisation within the last decades, a process which took place parallelly to rapid economic development and population growth. At the same time, these developments pose important social, economic and environ-mental challenges.The ASEAN community strives to be people-centred, economically strong, inclusive, connected and environmentally sustainable. This paper argues that these ASEAN goals have an important urban dimension.

ASEAN at 50 - A Look at its External Relations

Panorama - Insights into Asian and European Affairs

As ASEAN marks its 50th anniversary, we have dedicated this issue of our journal Panorama Insights into Asian and European Affairs to analyse ASEAN’s relations with several of its dialogue partners in the ever changing global landscape. In view of its external relations, the articles also reflect on ASEAN’s achievements in the last five decades, challenges it has overcome, and the prospects ahead.


Celebrating five decades of regional stability

In 1984, then French President Mitterrand and German Chancellor Kohl held hands on the World War I battlefields of Verdun. This great symbol of reconciliation and benevolence between two former adversaries highlighted a new found European friendship; a new peaceful European order, which culminated in the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize for the common project, the European Union (EU). The European integration process is without a doubt one of the great achievements of the 20th century; but it is not the only one.

Singapore’s View on the G20 Summit 2017

Despite not being a member of the G20, the Republic of Singapore participated in the 22nd G20 Summit in Hamburg / Germany. As the Chair of the Global Governance Group (3G), the city-state represented the interests of small and medium-sized countries who play an equally important role in the international economic system. It was Singapore’s 7th participation in a G20 Summit. The country wants to advance the G20 agenda and promote stronger engagement between the G20 and the wider United Nations system.

Letters of condolences on behalf of the Singaporean Government on the passing of Helmut Kohl

The current and the former Prime Minister of Singapore express their heartfelt condolences regarding the passing of Helmut Kohl.